Year 2 News

From Emma, Year 2 teacher

The Olympic Games in the classroom

Year 2 is certainly excited about the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games, and we will be learning more about the history of the Games and the countries competing in our Literacy sessions. Through various comprehension strategies such as visualising, summarising and identifying the main idea, students will broaden their understanding of cultures and global events.

Writers Notebook

Students are encouraged to bring photos from home to personalise and decorate their notebooks, making them unique and special. This past week, we have created postcards to send to our friends and made travel brochures to entice the reader to visit a foreign and exotic country.


Our focus is on place value. Students will engage in various hands-on activities and games to deepen their understanding of numbers and their values up to tens of thousands. In the coming weeks, Year 2 will be consolidating their knowledge of addition and subtraction. We are looking forward to real life application of our skills and setting up a Year 2 shop.