Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

Welcome Back to Term 3

Welcome back to school and Term 3. I hope that everyone has had an opportunity to rest and recharge for the term ahead, which will prove to be a very busy term!


Throughout the term we have a number of school events planned, starting with acknowledging and celebrating NAIDOC Week last week. 


NAIDOC Week holds great significance in our nation's history and culture. It is a time when we come together as a school community to honour and celebrate the rich cultures, histories, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 


This year's theme, Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud! represents the enduring strengths of Indigenous cultures and is an unapologetic celebration of Indigenous identity. 


I thank our student leaders - Max, Lola and Chloe - as well as our special guest Aunty Julianne Frazer, for sharing their insights and learnings about NAIDOC week at our whole school assembly last week. 


Additional school events we have planned for the rest of the term include the Australian Maths Competition, National Science Week, Book Week, Parent/Teacher Interviews and the continuation of our Camp program for Year 5 and Year 2. 


We look forward to these events, along with many others, and sharing our experiences with the school community.

Curriculum Day Report

Our staff had a productive day on Monday 15th July, where together we unpacked our 2024 Annual Implementation Plan progress, focused on Term 3 teaching and learning plans and participated in professional learning from David Vinegrad. 


David presented an informative session focused on Restorative Practices to teachers and ES staff. This work aligns closely with the work we have been doing across the school in the area of Wellbeing and School Wide Positive Behaviour.

Showcasing Excellence in SWVR Government Schools

We are excited to inform our school community that North Melbourne Primary School has been chosen to showcase in a ‘celebration of excellence’ in Government Schools in the Metro Area.


Next Tuesday 30th July our Errol Street Campus will be open to principals and school leaders from the Wimmera Southwest, Barwon and the Central Highlands regions to hear about our achievements. Our school leadership team will present to visitors about how we have achieved data that demonstrates excellence over an extended time. 


We are very proud of our efforts and are excited to share our celebration of excellence with other school leaders.

Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey

The 2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey will be available to complete online from Monday 29 July to Friday 30 August 2024. Details to access this survey will be sent to families via Compass.


The survey seeks feedback on school climate, community engagement in learning and teaching practices for student engagement and outcomes.


Please keep an eye open for details to complete the survey.

Respectful Behaviours in the School Community (as published on Compass)

As we welcome everyone back to school this term, we wanted to send a timely reminder for all adults in our school community to treat each other with respect and kindness. Regretfully, last week there were some encounters between parents that have left the school staff concerned. 


Our goal is to foster a supportive and empathetic community culture. Everyone in the North Melbourne Primary School community have equal responsibility in making this happen. 


Please refer to the Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy (this link was also published on Compass) that describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults.  


We thank you for your support and look forward to working together to be positive role models for our students.