Year 6 News

From Isaac, Year 6 Teacher 

Visiting the Kangaroos

As we entered the North Melbourne Recreation Centre we were all amazed by the amount of trophies the North Melbourne Kangaroos have won over the years! As we explored we were greeted by Mark and Oscar who took us to our “base” as we liked to call it. 



Our class was split into groups of 5 with different team colours. Our first challenge was to flip over a mat in our groups. Although it seemed easy it was more difficult than we thought. Only 3 out of the 5 teams completed it. After we were allowed to have a snack just to energise us for the next 3 more activities to come. 


As we rested we were taken to a darkened room called the oval, where screens and speakers surrounded us. Three more activities were introduced, these were a race course where we had to control robots to get from start to finish, next was make a pendulum to score a goal with an AFL ball, and finally a cannon to launch a ball into a hoop. As this came to an end we were allowed to have a long break until the next challenge was set up. 


We competed in another robot controlled race where we had to carry a ball to the end in a vehicle, then a marble race where we had to make a track to make a battle reach the end and finally make a podium, using only a rubber band with pieces of string connected to it, stretching and releasing to grab the blocks and create a podium without using our hands. Finally, we had to take a survey to reflect on our skills and how much we learnt and enjoyed. In the end we all had a great time and can’t wait for all the other classes to go as well.