Specialist Classes

This week in STEM, the senior students began exploring circuits in preparation for their work with the Makey Makey kits this term. They were able to disassemble a tea light and use the pieces to create a basic circuit. In crafting their circuit, they learnt how conductive materials help a current and electrons to flow so that their LED would light up. They also found out about polarity and if the LED wasn’t wired up correctly (ie; the positive side of the LED to the negative conductive trace) the LED would not light up.
We had an amazing term in Art last term learning sewing skills and all about textiles, creating some amazing Art. Pictured are some of our finished projects from the last few weeks of term. The term we are excited to do some Olympic inspired art and then get into our unit on painting!!
To begin the term in Italian, F-2 students have begun learning about the season of Winter (la stagione inverno). They listened to a story inItalian titled “Sulla Neve” (On the Snow) and Mrs Corso dressed up with a scarf (sciarpa), beanie (berretto) and gloves (guanti). Students enjoyed dressing a snowman (pupazzo di neve) with these clothing items and labelling each one. Terrific job everyone!Grades 3/6 have begun their learning about the months of the year (Imesi del anno) and seasons (stagione). They explored the difference in seasons between Italy and Australia and will continue their learning about weather conditions.
We began our term in the pool during Week 1 at the Echuca indoor pool. The student showed beautiful manners while listening to the swimming instructors. It was great to watch the students enjoy the water and expand their aquatic skills. All students demonstrated courage and resilience as they adapted to changes and tried their hardest. This week we have begun our kicking focus, as we try to further develop our foot-eye coordination. The students are enthusiastic about the AFL finals and are keen to build on their skills. Looking forward to seeing what they can do!