
Thursday 15th AugustMass- Feast of the Assumption
Saturday 17th AugustWorking Bee 8.30-11.30am
Thursday 22nd AugustBook Week parade 9.00am
Tuesday 27th AugustPreps Prayers In Pyjamas 6-7pm
Wednesday 28th AugustFamily Program- Year 3/4 6-7pm, Year 5/6- 7.15-8.15pm
Thursday 29th AugustFathers Day Stall
Friday 30th AugustFathers Day Breakfast 
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberDistrict Athletics Carnival ( selected students)
Friday 6th SeptemberSEDA Footy Inflatables
Tuesday 10th SeptemberYear 5/6 excursion
Thursday 12th SeptemberSchool Production
Monday 16th SeptemberParent/ Teacher Interviews 3.45-4.45pm
Wednesday 18th SeptemberYear 3/4 Hoop time Frankston
Thursday 19th SeptemberParent/ Teacher Interviews 1pm finish for students
Friday 20th SeptemberEnd of Term 3  1pm finish
Monday 7th OctoberStart of Term 4
Thurs 10- Fri 11th OctoberYear 3/4 Camp
Monday 14th OctoberReconciliation Sacramental Night
Tues 15, Thurs 17, Fri 18 OctPrep- Yr 4 Swimming Program
Tues 22, Thurs 24, Fri 25 OctPrep- Yr 4 Swimming Program
Thursday 24th October Prep 2025 Information Evening
Monday 4th NovemberSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 5th NovemberMelbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 6th NovemberSacrament of First Reconciliation
Friday 15th NovemberSchool Fete
Mon 18-Wed 20 November5/6 Camp
Friday 29th NovemberSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 3rd DecemberYear 6 Big Day Out
Monday 9th DecemberYear 6 Graduation
Tuesday 17th DecemberStudents end of term 12.00pm finish