
Positive Behaviours for Learning

As part of our ongoing development as a PBL school we continue to explicitly teach & model expectations from our matrix.

The foci for the next couple of weeks are:


We think before we act


We take ownership of our choices

We keep our hands and feet to ourselves


We accept the consequences of our actions

We learn from our mistakes


These expectations will be explicitly taught during Wellbeing Hour & revisited throughout the days.

It would be great if you could also reinforce these expectations at home and ask your child/children how they are following these at school.

Seasons for Growth 

We are very excited to once again offer the Seasons for Growth Program. At Our Lady of the Southern Cross we recognise that when changes occur in families through death, separation, divorce or related circumstances, young people may benefit from learning how to make sense of these changes. Seasons for Growth is a small group program that offers a safe space where  children can give voice to their experiences, understand their feelings, learn problem solving & decision making skills, develop friendships & recognise they are not alone. 


 It is based on a belief that change, loss and grief are part of life and explores a range of issues associated with change and loss – what we may experience and ways we can respond and adapt. 

The program helps students to:

  • Learn about how the death of a loved one, parental separation/ divorce, or other significant loss event may impact on their lives
  • Learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand and respond well to such experiences, including:
    • understanding the grief process
    • recognising their feelings and other reactions to loss are normal
    • developing skills for coping, problem solving and decision making
    • building a peer-support network
    • restoring self-confidence and self-esteem.

Experience of loss and grief is unique for each child. Children may experience many different feelings, including sadness, anxiety, anger, resentment, guilt and relief, amongst others. Children and young people may show physical and behavioural reactions, including:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • changes in schoolwork or results
  • changes in behaviour or participation in activities – acting out or withdrawn
  • changes in sleep patterns, appetite, weight loss/gain

Each session explores a theme using the seasonal imagery.

  • Life is like the seasons
  • Change is a part of life
  • Valuing my story
  • Caring for my feelings
  • Making good choices

The program is for students who are experiencing & trying to make sense of a change in the family unit or coming to terms with a loss through a death in the immediate family or  extended family.


Please contact Sandy if you have any questions or feel your child needs to be part of the  Seasons program.

Student Leaders News

Zooper Doopers

Our last Zooper Dooper day for this term will be 

Wednesday March 27th. 


Casual Clothes Day



I would like to wish everyone a Happy, Holy and Safe Easter shared with family & friends.



Feel free to email me at: shenderson@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au or call the school office if you have any concerns or need help at any time.


