Catholic Identity 

Religious Education, Sacramental and Faith Celebration News

Holy Week


Here are some ideas you might like to use to commemorate the special events of Holy Week as a family. 


Palm Sunday parade: Provide palm branches for the children to wave as they imagine themselves joining Jesus in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.


Last Supper table: Arrange a simple table with bread and grape juice (or water) to represent the bread and wine from the Last Supper. Encourage the children to sit around the table and share a snack while discussing the significance of Jesus’ final meal with his disciples.


Garden of Gethsemane: Create a quiet corner with soft lighting and fabric to represent the garden where Jesus prayed before his arrest. Provide plush toys or stuffed animals for the children to hug as they reflect on Jesus’ feelings of sadness and fear.


Cross walk: Set up a pathway with small crosses or pictures of crosses for the children to walk along, symbolising Jesus’ journey to the cross. Play gentle music or sing hymns as they walk, encouraging them to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for them.


Empty tomb: Create a small cave or tunnel covered with a cloth to represent the empty tomb. Place a simple sign with the words ‘He is risen!’ at the entrance. Invite the children to crawl through the tunnel and discover the empty tomb, symbolising the joy of Easter morning.

Stations of the Cross

Next Thursday 28th March, we will be commemorate the suffering and death of Jesus through the Stations of the Cross. Through this prayerful meditation, we are able to more deeply enter into the celebration of Holy Week and Easter.  As we move around the school grounds, we will take time to reflect on different events of the last few days of Jesus' life. 


Please join us for this special experience starting from 9:05am in the Junior Playground area. The entire stations will take approximately 50 minutes. 


Gospel Challenge

Each Friday morning, in place of our usual meditation and prayer, we have a 'Gospel Challenge' as our prayer. During these challenges, we listen to the coming Sunday's Gospel reading and reflect on its meaning. Today, we invited for the first time parents and family members to join us for this. 


Continuing every Friday from next term, you are invited to join your child's learning group at 8.50am for this time in prayer. The Gospel Challenge goes for roughly 5 minutes.


We would love to see as many parents and family members join us as possible!


Sacramental Program 2024

Sacrament of First Reconciliation

This Wednesday evening, students from Year 3, 4 and 6 celebrated the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. It was a wonderful celebration of the mercy and love of our God. Even though the students were slightly anxious and afraid of the idea of going to Father in Reconciliation, they all returned to their families afterwards with huge smiles and a sense of relief on their faces! 


A massive 'thank you' to the LC4 teachers - Adam, Beth, Emma, Elizabeth, Hayley, Jannine and Josh for preparing our students. Also, thank you to Chelsea, Alison, Sandy and Justin for their support and attendance at this celebration. Finally, a 'thank you' must also go to the parents and guardians of our First Reconciliation students for entrusting us with the preparation of their children for this important sacrament, and for their journey with us and their children in this great journey of faith. 

Sacrament on First Holy Communion (Eucharist) 

Students will begin preparations for First Holy Communion during their Religious Education lessons from next term. Attendance at the following events, which are important for the preparation of our students and families for the celebration of the sacrament, is required:


Sunday 21st April, OLSC, 10am: Community Mass

Tuesday 7th May, OLSC, during school day: Sacramental Spirituality Day and Reconciliation (students only)

Tuesday 7th May, OLSC6.30-7.30pm: Family Sacramental Evening

Sunday 19th May, OLSC, 10am: Community Mass


Sunday 16th June, OLSC, 10am: First Eucharist Mass #1


Sunday 21st July, OLSC, 10am: First Eucharist Mass #2


The following students have indicated their intention to celebrate the sacrament this term. If your child is not on this list and you believe/wish for them to be, please contact John as soon as possible. 

Aanya K

Adrian J

Alicia L

Alliemay W

Alvina E

Arach D

Arjun K

Axel Q

Benjamin I

Caitlyn L

Daniel D

Daniel S 

Dash V

Deng K

Emily-Rose M

Ethan M

Evan J

Finn C

Gia V

Hudson N

Inari I

Isabelle P

Jaxon L

Kayden F

Kuei A

Leon K

Liliana E

Lucilla L

Luke L

Meleena W

Mercy A

Michael L

Mokitha M

Natalie S

Naveen K

Nimna D

Nylah C

Reuben H

Samantha J

Sanuk M

Xavier V

Zoie Y





Sacrament of Confirmation

Further information for both will be shared with families in the coming weeks, via the newsletter and notes given to students. Please keep an eye for these. 

Project Compassion

As we continue to journey through Lent, the Social Justice Leaders have organised some fun and exciting initiatives to help raise money for Project Compassion. 


Jelly Bean Guessing Jar

The past two weeks we have had a Jelly Bean Guessing Jar competition. 


Coin Trail

As a celebration of our efforts in Project Compassion we will be having a Coil Trail on the Tuesday afternoon of  Week 9.  For this, learning groups will line up all of the coins they have put into the Project Compassion box, end to end. The longest trail wins, there is still time to add to your groups Project Compassion box!


School Masses

School Masses will take place twice a term this year.  Our celebrations are open to all of those in our school community, and we hope to see as many of our families join us for Mass.  Our next Mass is Friday, 17th May at 12pm in the Sports Centre.  Please find below times and dates of all of our school Masses for 2024. 

    Term 2     

Week 5 - 17th May 12pm

Week 9 - 14th June 12pm

Term 3

Week 4 - 9th August 12pm

Week 9 - 13th September 10am 

(School Feast Day)

Term 4

Week 3 - 25th October 12pm

Week 6 - 15th November 12pm


Community Mass in 2024

Community Masses have resumed and will take place every third Sunday of the month. Mass will take place in the OLSC Sports Centre at 10am. We encourage as many of our families and friends to attend these Masses, as we reinvigorate the Wyndham Vale Catholic Community. These Masses, while taking place on school grounds and involving students from our school, are open to all members of our local community. After each Mass there will also be the opportunity to join in Fellowship, so we invite to bring a plate of food to share. Spread the word!

2024 Community Masses will be as follows:




Finally, as this is the last newsletter for the Term, I would personally like to wish everyone in our school community a blessed, holy and safe Holy Week and Easter! I pray that your hearts will be full of the hope and joy of the Risen Lord this Easter season. 


John Dini

Catholic Identity Leader