Facilities & Capital Works 

Frances Hansen & Dr Denise Clarke 

Capital Works: 


Yaluk Building

Contactors are finalising the last of the detailed works in the building but as yet we have not had a handover date. All the new furniture has been ordered and we are waiting for delivery.  

The grass is growing but we can see some patches where there has not been enough water or sun. When we do gain access to playground 6 we will all need to be vigilant with student use of  the grassed areas.


Yaluk & Student Voice: Students were consulted by the architects before the building was designed. Students were also canvassed about ideas to make the building welcoming to any indigenous people who may enter it. Their ideas were shared with Auntie Doreen Garvey Wandin who offered her story "The Durrung of the Yan Yan" to the students as a theme. The theme of the book about the river is displayed in the colour scheme in the new building. Student also voted on the name of the building from works from the story. "Yaluk" mean river.


Continuing Student Voice the Student Leadership Group will be the first group of students to tour the building on Thursday morning. Make sure students wear their vests for the tour. We will answer any questions they have or questions they present for other students. Any classroom who would like to submit questions to Denise are welcome   for a respons and/or a visit to answer the questions.



The following is a transition plan that will be implemented but dates will be confirmed as soon as possible.


Phase 1 (Yaluk Building)

  • Tour for Rooms 25, 26, 27 (after joinery is completed)
  • Tour for Secondary students who will be using Art room and Hospitality Kitchen
  • Tour for Middle & Primary sub school – mainly the gym
  • Social Stories being developed by Therapy team for Phase 1 and Phase 2 relocations.
  • Transition of classroom materials, OT mats.
  • Transition of students Rooms 25-27
  • Transition Room23 back to own classroom.

Phase 2: (Middle to Secondary wing)

  • Tour of new classrooms
  • Social Story for phase 2
  • Transition of Middle School Collaboration Room to Current Room 25 (Eastern side)
  • Transition of Room 16-18 to vacated to the relocatables
  • Setting up of science room adjacent to Therapy Office.
  • Establishment of Living Skills space in Western side of current room 25

Parking: there are 4 more carparks made available in the staff carpark now the temporary fencing has been removed. There should also be more street parking available.  All staff and CRTs are expected to use staff carpark or street parking.


The admin carpark (crn Landy Rd & Leitchfield Ave) is reserved for all deliveries and parent drop-offs and casual visitors (not CRT's). Admin staff and designated Senior leadership have permission to use this carpark.




Maintenance Fenced Area PG3 & Maintenance Shed/Greenhouse Area

Recently staff have been throwing rubbish or broken items into these areas. There have been multiple incidences of students using these items as weapons when dysregulated. If you have broken items, please put them into the big bin or if they are large items add a request to the maintenance log for Jacob to dispose of them.


Workplace inspections & reporting items

If you have a maintenance issue in your office or room these should be reported in the Maintenance log immediately. DO NOT wait until the end of term to report these issues as many need to be rectified as quickly as possible to avoid incidents.


Gates around the school

Please be aware of your keys and keep them out of sight/non accessible to students as many know how to use the fobs and keys to access the staff carpark and external surrounds. 

If you have an ongoing issue with students opening gates around the school, please discuss it with your sub school leader and Mary Boutros OHS Leader.


Air conditioners can staff please make sure AC units are turned off. TURN OFF the AC units in the OT room & climbing room as you leave at the end of each session.


ICT & Facilities job notifications: 

Log any jobs for Maintenance on SharePoint. This will enable Jacob and I to schedule the works and ensure they are completed in a timely manner. 

Log any jobs for ICT Support on SharePoint. This will enable Loc and Luat to schedule the works and ensure they are completed in a timely manner. 

Please make sure you log the correct jobs on the correct logs.