Middle SS News

Sarah Hill

Welcome back to Term 2 everyone. I trust you had a lovely break with those you love most. I hope you were able to over indulge in all things that bring you joy- sleep, food, you name it. As we head into a new term, I hope you feel a sense of comfortability knowing you are stepping into familiar surroundings. No doubt the term will bring about changes, but I am hopeful we have a strong foundation in classrooms with all that was learned and accomplished in term 1.


A very big welcome to Reetu in Room 14, as well as Emma in Room 12. We are extremely excited to welcome you into the Middle Sub School. If you need anything, as always, reach out to myself, your buddy classroom, a friendly neighbour across the hall or a friendly face in the staffroom!



Heading into this term we have excursions taking place- please ensure you remain on top of the excursion to do list ahead of time. Be sure permission has been given by parents, the activity locator lodged and transport as well as staffing considered. I urge you to touch base with both myself and the admin staff in the weeks leading up to the excursion to ensure you have a second set of eyes over documentation, and a sounding board to assist in planning and coordination of the excursion.



Last term we discussed plans in place for swimming. With this fast approaching, please continue to engage in conversations with myself and families to ascertain the level of support needed for students in your classrooms.


PLC & Professional Learning

Both PLC and PL will be woven as one, and will take place on Monday afternoons from 3:30pm. Both ES and teachers are encouraged to attend. Curriculum Teams will continue to take place on Tuesday afternoons.


I hope your first week back is kind to you, and that you settle into the routines of work- earlier mornings and busier days I’m sure!