Primary Sub School News
Sub School Leader: TBC
Primary Sub School News
Sub School Leader: TBC
Welcome back to Term 2, I hope you managed to have a restful break, spend quality time with family and friends. The selection panel is underway to recruit for a sub school leader, but we know the PSS teams have established strong practices throughout term 1. Please continue to use your buddy classrooms as the first port of call for support, or a friendly neighbour across the hall or a friendly face in the staffroom!
Mary Boutros will be conducting daily check week 1 & 2. Thank you Mary.
Dilnasheen Meerza has joined PSS and will be working in room 4. Please make Dilnasheen feel welcome.
A HUGE thank you to Jade Molinari for stepping in the SSL position for the final 2 weeks of the term. I know your relationships and knowledge of the sub school made the end of term run smoothly for everyone.
PLC & Professional Learning
Combinded PLC and PL will take place on Monday afternoons from 3:30pm. Education Support Staff and teachers are encouraged to attend. Curriculum Teams will continue to take place on Tuesday afternoons. Teachers: Please remember to bring the Essensial Assessment Data with you to the next Mnday's PLC
Remember your Buddy Classroom allocation
Room 1- Room 2
Room 4- Room 5- Room 3
Room 6 - Room 7
Room 8 - Room 9
Can help you when you need:
- another staff member for a short time
- you have a staff member from your team away and need help with breaks
- can ask questions, especially for new staff.
I have been keeping track of how teams are going with these tasks. Well done to those teams working together to complete these tasks promptly.
Playground Supervision Protocols
The minimum requirement to upload pictures to parents/carers is one photo per student per week. Please make sure you are uploading photos to parents. Families love to receive and share these photos together.
Please see the roster for Assembly in Term 2. Please also refer to the email sent to staff including the Student of the Week award and the PowerPoint.
Term 2:
Week 2: Room 9
Week 4: Room 5
Week 6: Room 7
Week 8: Room 1
Week 10 Room 2