Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - I commend all the Primary staff for their unity and adaptability in supporting one another during times of need. You have every reason to take pride in your collective efforts. Well done!!
- Middle SS - Thank you to the welfare team for all their work to ensure Canine Comprehension and other wellbeing initiatives can hit the ground running in Term 2. We appreciate all the work you do so that our students can engage in additional learning opportunities.
- Secondary SS - Thanks to all the classrooms for your hard work preparing for Term 2. In particular rooms 19, 23, 26 and 27 who had to pack and un pack ready for this term.
- Learning Specialists - Thank you to all the classroom teams for their hard work during Term 1 and for being ready and welcoming students with a big smile for Term 2. You are doing a great job every day!
- OH&S - A big thank you to our JSA staff for diligently completing Edusafe and Xuno reports whenever situations have arisen. Your commitment to providing detailed documentation is greatly appreciated. This data will be invaluable in identifying patterns and promptly addressing any concerns that arise.
- Therapy - Thank you everyone for all your hard work in preparing for Term 2. We hope you've all had a good term break, and fingers crossed for a smooth start to the term!
- Admin - Welcome back to Term 2. Hoping you all have had a restful and relaxing break and are ready for another busy term Many thanks to Shirley and Loc for their work during the holidays in finance and ICT support.
- PCT - Thank you to Michelle, Shirley, Loc and Luat who have been onsite during the break to prepare for the term ahead. I know many staff also work remotely so that the term runs smoothly for students and staff. PCT appreciate all your planning and preparations.