Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week.

Easter Raffle

What did the egg say when the easter bunny told a joke?

....You crack me up!


A hugh shoutout of gratitude to our local businesses and families for your support towards this years Easter Raffle.  With so many donations of goodies we were lucky enough to offer 8 prizes!

8 prize packs up for grabs
8 prize packs up for grabs

1st Place winner of a trailor load of wood went to Brereton Family

2nd Place winner of our Lux Hamper went to Jaye Fatchen

3rd Place winner of a Foodie's Paradise Hamper was Dean

4th Place winner of the Fun and  Games Hamper Kath Dayment 

5th Place winner with our Family Treat Hamper  Haylie Lutter-Wood

6th Place winner of a Gather and Harvest Candle set Andrew Macklan

7th Place winner walking away with a tasty bottle of Apline Gin Kim McDonald

8th Place winner will enjoy a bag of Honeybird Coffee beans McKechnie Family


What music do bunnies listen to?

............Hip Hop

All winners have been notified.

Well done to those who sold enough tickets to qualify for a voucher thanks to Settlers Tavern. We have a mystery we need help.  Someone has handed in a purple booklet with 54 tickets sold.  If this was you please contact Amanda in the office for your Teen Parmy Voucher.

Why did the Easter egg hide?

......He was a little chicken!


On Monday our year 5/6 students helped their Prep buddy make an easter basket.  This was in preperation for a little easter egg hunt together on Tuesday.  Its always a made dash out into the yard with very excited children to see where the eggs have been hidden.



Class 4/5 with Kathryn

On Wednesday morning students enjoyed a very entertaining and informative PowerPoint presentation from Angela about Mount Beauty now and in the past. We were fascinated to discover the house that is just outside our class window used to be the old police station… AND that kids back then actually had lots of fun even without TVs, phones and electronic entertainment! How incredible!! We loved all the photos of the streets and special places from around Mount Beauty. A big thank you to Angela T for all your enthusiasm and incredible knowledge which we all enjoyed immensely. 


Then on Wednesday afternoon 4/5K enjoyed a walking tour of Mount Beauty. We recorded the street names and special/significant locations in our town as we wandered along Lakeside Avenue, around to Roper Street, up Mountain Avenue and then along Tawonga Crescent before heading towards the main street and shops. 


Here are some photos from our adventures. We hope you like them! 


Have a lovely term break everyone. 

From 4/5 Kathryn