School Council News

School Council met on Tuesday 19th March, and we began by welcoming our newest members Sally Winton and Damian Wood. We thank them for volunteering their time and expertise to support our school community. As this was the first meeting of the new council, we were required to elect our new office bearers. We would like to congratulate and thank Jason Holandsjo (President), Sally Winton (Vice President) and Karleen Radford (Treasurer) for taking on their new roles on council. Our Finance,  Education Policy and Building and Grounds Committees were also formed.


Mat Montebello presented the council an overview of the School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan. It was pleasing to see the many positive results from the different surveys from staff, students and parents. Mat also outlined how the school values and complies with the Child Safe Standards to protect our young people.


It was exciting to hear that the building projects are progressing. The PA system has been upgraded and quotes and tenders are being sought for the Inclusion Quad and the re-development of the Junior Toilet Block. The student wellbeing hub is on track to start operating at the beginning of term 2.


New hiring agreements for school spaces were approved. This helps the school raise funds, makes the most of our wonderful school facilities and also supports other local community groups.


The council would like to thank and acknowledge the families for their voluntary contributions to the building fund that support the ongoing development and upgrades of the school buildings and grounds.


Next School council meeting will be on Tuesday April 23rd.