Pastoral Academic Care (PAC) 







Character Strength: FAIRNESS


Parent Wellbeing: being able to build social connectedness with others, to create and maintain respectful and healthy relationships is a great booster to your state of wellbeing. This includes being prepared to seek help when you need it, doing kind acts for others to show that they matter, and ensuring you feel respected, connected and protected. How socially connected do you feel? 


Year 8


Well we made it to Easter! Which is an exciting time for many families which includes a wonderful boat load of chocolate and a lovely holiday away from home for 4 days. Overall the cohort is settled and learning really well, friendships are continuing to grow and for many it has been a wonderful term 1. Congratulations to all the year 8 students who have been representing the school in soccer the last few weeks. Many students from the year were selected for teams and played their best versus Holy Trinity (Inverell) and Tenerfield. 


Have an amazing Easter long weekend and we will see you all back for week 10 and 11. 

It’s officially less than 10 days till the holidays!


Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.


Miss Elizabeth Plane

Leader of Learning, Year 8



Year 9


Easter is a time of reflection and renewal. As we look forward to the break we reflect on the challenges and moments of renewal and fresh starts that we have been given. The school community will reflect on the Stations of the Cross and ponder the sacrifices that Jesus had made for all of our salvation. 


The great improvements I have seen in our Year group in maintaining a calm and settled learning environment are noticed and encouraged. When I wander around and walk through the classrooms I see a lot of passion and enthusiasm. This is especially evident in our elective classes that allow students to build and extend their interest and skills. Attached are a  few snaps of our students in action enjoying their learning.



Aspects of school life may appear dull to some at times. Perseverance and a positive attitude can turn the mundane into more than was initially expected. Well planned routines are necessary to help form habits that will lead to success. Goal setting, general organisation for school, wearing our uniform with pride, completing school work to the best of our ability are all important. As is the need for sufficient sleep, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. I thank our parents and carers for their support in guiding their children in these areas.


Mrs Kathryn Czinner 

Leader of Learning, Year 9




Year 11


Year 11 in action today!



Mr Bruce Myers

Leader of Learning, Year 11





Year 12

The past few weeks have been a very busy time for Year 12 students, with many assessment tasks, excursions and other activities such as masses and community events. I have spoken with many students during this time regarding the increased stress and anxiety they have been feeling and I remind them that this is a natural part of the study load that Year 12 students have. 


I would like to acknowledge the following students who have been completing a range of traineeships and TAFE courses which involve sessions at TAFE, work placement and managing missed class time. We are so proud that these students will finish their HSC year with a Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) qualification. 


Molly Franklin - Nursing 

Eleanor Brazel - Childcare 

Adrian Walters - Workplace skills 

Sophie Carson - Fitness 

Josephine Ryan - Financial Services 

Lilli Blake - Animal Care 

Brooklyn Barlow - Human Services 


I will also take this opportunity to congratulate Arabella Dagg who, earlier in the term, gained full time employment through her SBAT training and is now beginning her career in Real Estate, well done Arabella! 


I will take this opportunity to encourage all students and parents to work together to support one another to maintain a balance between study, work and social life. Part of this includes having an effective study plan, using Study periods effectively to allow yourself to have increased time outside of school for achieving that balance, which inevitably shifts as we towards one with more study, as we approach the last half of our Year 12 HSC studies.



With that end of studies approaching, I remind all students to keep an eye on the Year 12 2024 Google Classroom for information regarding the opportunities that are coming up with Universities, careers and extracurricular events. 


I wish everyone a safe Easter (long weekend) and look forward to finishing the term strong.


Keep Believing, Achieving, Nurturing and Growing!


Mr Luke Andrews

Leader of Learning, Year 12