Leader of Pedagogy

Miss Natalie Mellowship (Years 7-9) & Mrs Jenny Roff ( Years 10-12)

It has been a very busy time at the College in recent weeks, with NAPLAN, e-Write and Transition to Year 7 tests now complete. 


Staff have also been implementing lots of data informed learning sprints, with a focus on improving writing across all cohorts. This often involves writing a first draft and then co-constructing success criteria with their teacher after viewing a high level example. Fast feedback is provided in various forms to assist students to edit and implement changes before writing a second draft.


Self, peer and teacher feedback is available so that students can bump up the quality of their work quickly and easily. In this way, they feel supported and are more likely to be prepared to take risks and make mistakes in order to ultimately succeed.








Mrs Jennifer Roff

Leader of Pedagogy, (10-12)