School Council Election Results
Our School Council Election process has been completed for 2024-25. Congratulations to new and re-elected members – their contribution to the governance of our school is greatly appreciated. Our School Council members give up their time and make a commitment to providing valuable input into decisions that are made in relation to the general running and improvement of our school. I would like to also acknowledge the enthusiasm we are seeing from students who are keen to be involved at this level of school processes. It’s very encouraging to see our young people having a ‘voice’.
BSC School Council 2024-25
Parent members
Tanya Kehoe
Gillian Morgan
Genevieve Welsh
Ann Greymans
Cassie Viney
Kim Tiley
Donna Fraser
Staff members
Jackie Kerr
Kerry Grant
Adrian Page
Julie Doyle
Student Representatives
Lochlan Welsh
Zarie Tiley
Praneel Kumar
Co-opted members (position to be determined at our March 27th meeting)
Community Representative
Our first meeting for the Beaufort Secondary College 2024-25 School Council will commence at 6.00pm on Wednesday March 27th. During the first 30 minutes of this meeting we will present the 2023 Annual Report in a public meeting format, which members of the Beaufort Secondary College community are welcome to attend. We will have a short break in proceedings and move into the first meeting of the 2024-25 School Council which will involve electing Office Bearers. Once again, congratulations and thanks to our new and existing School Council members.