Around the School
The Naplan Testing schedule begins on the 13th of March. Except for writing, catch-up tests can occur until Monday 25th March.
Students can familiarise themselves with the format and style of tests by visiting
This site contains great information for parents and children experiencing NAPLAN for the first time.
Indonesian with the Juniors.
Our Junior students have been focusing on the topic of family. They have been learning the Indonesian words for different family members like Mum (Ibu), Dad (Bapak), Grandma (Nenek) and Grandpa (Kakek), as well as interesting cultural information like their traditional Balinese names!
They had a lot of fun putting this learning into action through the well-known song, ‘Baby Shark’, but in Indonesian! Here is the link to ‘Bayi Hiu’ if you would like to sing this song together at home!
Learning in STEAM
With a focus on sharing tips, and thinking about the properties of the materials we could choose, we improved our prototype of 'Grannies House'.
SRC and Environmental Captains
Congratulations to our SRC and Environmental Captains who were announced at assembly.
St Patrick Expo
Thank you to everyone who visited our St Patrick Expo hosted by our Senior students.
Building Works and Budding Artists
After School Netball
Please see the attached note for more information.
Well done to our swimming team on their fantastic efforts at the Eureka event. It was a gorgeous day for a swimming competition and all the swimmers supported each other beautifully. Thanks to all the parents that came and helped and supported the kids.
Congratulations to Lily, Bryce, Charlie and Billy who qualified to swim at the Greater Western Regional event later this month in Horsham.
Dear Families,
There is an opportunity to look after our two guinea pigs over the school holidays. Daisy and Hazel come with a hutch, enough straw, newspaper and guinea pig food to get through the holidays, as well as a bag of carrots to start you off. They like gentle cuddles (younger child may need supervision) and have stayed in homes with other pets so are not afraid of noise.
If you would like to take care of our pets or would like more information please let Miss Frost.
Religious Education News
Sacramental Program
Today we finished our Reconciliation sessions at school. Over the next two weeks our candidates will celebrate this sacrament. Please remember these students and their families. Congratulations to:
Adelaide Cleary Jack Ford Leo Ingram Hugh Irvin Hyacinth Lannen Jack Mahony Amelia Sharer Ted Stephen Jack Stott Justin Zacharias | Ted Gladman Patricia Gojo Cruz Abraham Jo Kohda Romein Eli Sharer Leon Sheehan Archie Underwood Lowanna Fernandes Will Stott Ollie Hawkes | Ruben Alvarado Joseph Attard Thomas Coghlan Oscar Ellis Ava Ford Evelyn Glasson Ollie Hogan Alaine Jo Jackson Knight Austin Moore Louie Stevens |
St Patrick’s Day Picnic and Mass.
On Friday Morning 15/3/24, we will be attending a 10:00am St Patrick’s Day Mass at the Cathedral. After that we will travel by bus to Kirk’s Reservoir for our St Patrick’s Day Picnic. You are invited to join us for lunch, which will be between 2:00pm and 2:20pm. You may like to come out earlier to see us having fun with our activities. We plan to be there from 12:00pm. If you are able to join us, Central Highlands Water, who operate the park, have asked that you not park inside the gates, but rather in the car park just outside the gates. This will allow the buses to come in to pick us up. As a reminder, children need to wear their school sports uniforms and sun hats. They can wear a touch of green after they arrive at Kirk’s Reservoir, keeping their St Pat’s attire for after Mass. They will need to take their school bags with their play lunch, lunch and healthy snacks and their drink bottle.
Thank you,
Kerin Johnson.
Religious Education News
Sacramental Program
The Reconciliation Program started last week with a student session at school. Students will be taken through the program at St Patrick’s Primary School by Kerin Johnson with parents being able to support the learning at home. The Reconciliation books can be taken home to support the learning, and then returned to school for the next lesson. There is a note that tells you which pages parents can work through with their children.
During the Reconciliation program, there are 3 weekend Masses that students are to attend with their families - either Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 10.30am or Sunday 5.00pm. This weekend, 2nd/3rd March is Prayer Sunday and children will be given a prayer card. On 16th/17th March, which is Presentation Sunday, children will receive a gift to support their faith life.
If your child is not yet registered please email Tony or 53312933.
Lenten Assemblies and Lenten Family Activity,
Due to Term 1 being short, and filled with excursions and sport, our Lenten Family Activity will be an activity sent home next week.
Our Lenten Prayer assemblies will take place on the following dates and times:
- Lenten Prayer #2, led by our 3/4 students, today
- Lenten Prayer #3, led by our 1/2 students, on Friday 22/3/24 @ 2:45pm
- “Way of the Cross” on Thursday 28/3/24 @ 9:15am
Followed by
- Lenten Prayer #4, led by our 5/6 students, on Thursday 28/3/24 @ 10:30am
All are welcome to attend these gatherings in the lead up to Easter, the most important season of the Church year.
For families new to our school, Here is some information about our “Way of the Cross”. Each class is allocated a small dramatic presentation about one of the events in Holy Week.
Teachers allocate roles and you are invited to provide a simple costume made from materials you may already have at home. Your child’s teacher may send a note home. If you have any questions please send them to me via the office or your class teacher.
Thank you,
Kerin Johnson.
Extend Before and After School Care