Primary School News

Mr Michael Connolly, Head of Primary School

Dear Primary Parents,

Although we are progressing through Week 9, it would be a mistake to think that there is nothing much happening at present, and that we are winding down to the Easter Break.  The Primary School is a hive of activity, and this seems to be the blueprint for the next week and a half. Our Year 5 boys have just completed their NAPLAN assessments in Week 8 and I congratulate them and the staff for doing their absolute best to be successful in these assessments. In addition to NAPLAN, all classes are finalising their in-class assessments, so I am hoping that all boys are putting their best foot forward with these as well.


With the cricket whites and the AFL jerseys barely off the clothesline and packed away, the football boots, mouthguards and shin pads are being dusted off and brought to school for the various sporting trials. Included in this newsletter is information regarding an exciting opportunity for our boys who would like to get involved in the public speaking and debating programs. All boys are welcome to attend these sessions if they are interested in being involved. Over the next two weeks, all boys in Year 5 and Year 6 will attend either a Gold Rush excursion (Year 5) or a Parliament House excursion (Year 6) and we are certain that these will prove to be valuable learning experiences for the boys. Clearly, the next two weeks will be busy times for the teachers and boys of the Primary School!


To finish off this busy term, next week we will have our end of term Primary Assembly in the Draney Theatre on Tuesday and an Easter Liturgy with the whole college community on Thursday afternoon. The boys will be dismissed at the usual time on Thursday. 

Thank you for your support in preparing your son so well for all that he does here in Primary.

From the Primary Pastoral Leader – Mr Anthony Graham 

Importance of Multiple Travel Arrangements

As we navigate the bustling activities of our school year, we want to remind parents and guardians about the critical need for having multiple plans for student pick-ups and drop-offs. Life's unpredictability, from traffic delays, unexpected work obligations, or cancellation of training due to weather can disrupt even the most meticulously laid plans. Ensuring that there are a couple of backup strategies in place is not just about convenience; it's important for our students' safety and peace of mind. Having these contingencies ensures that our students feel secure and accounted for, reducing anxiety and confusion for both children and parents alike.


In fostering a community where flexibility and preparedness go hand in hand, we encourage each family to identify a trusted network of alternatives, be it family members, friends, or fellow parents, who can step in when the need arises. Communication with these individuals, coupled with clear instructions and information exchange with our school administration, ensures that every student's journey to and from school remains seamless and safe. If you are ever unsure, please give Primary Reception a call and we can help. 


Leave Forms

A reminder that if a student is planning to be away for more than 3 days during term time, a Request for Leave form needs to be completed. The student can collect this from Primary Reception. The form will need to be completed and returned at least 2 weeks prior to their absence.


Refresh and Recharge: Midweek Pause…from Handball

This coming Wednesday we are trying a day of no handball. Why? Because a large majority of our lunchtime behaviour incidents stem from the much-loved game of handball. We are also noticing boys not utilising the glorious ovals that we have, so why not create a day where boys choose a variety of alternative games besides handball. These include touch football, soccer, noughts and crosses, basketball, cricket, plus a variety of other fun games and initiatives.

Primary Learning Leader – Ms Jen Little

Literacy and Numeracy Trophies

Congratulations to 6 Violet for winning the Literacy Cup this week with an average percentage of 77%. Congratulations to 6 Gold for winning the Numeracy Cup this week with an average percentage of 71%. Well done to both Year 6 classes!

From the Library – Ms Robyn Brown 

Round Robin Debating and Public Speaking Opportunities

We have been invited again this year to participate in a Debating and Public Speaking competition at St Laurence’s College to commence in Term 2. We will be competing against St Laurence’s, Padua and ATC.


We are seeking two teams of Year 6 boys to participate in Debating, and ten Year 5 boys for Public Speaking. The boys need to be enthusiastic and committed in order to hone skills in the areas of research, effective communication and organisation. This will involve lunchtime meetings, argument/public speaking preparation at home, and three evening debates or presentations.


The competition rounds will run fortnightly from 6:30pm – 7:30 pm on

  • Tuesday 30th April 
  • Tuesday 14th May 
  • Tuesday 28th May.

More details shall be sent out when the teams have been selected. The selection process will involve the boys presenting a prepared short speech at lunch break next Wednesday. Information regarding this shall be given to them at Tuesday’s assembly.


Mrs Tippens will be facilitating the public speaking and Mrs Brown the debating.


Both competitions are a great precursor to the QDU competition later in the year. We will then be seeking teams of Years 5 and Year 6 boys to debate. 

Primary Sport

Primary SportMr John Lambourne – Head of Sport (Primary)



Congratulations to Ross Murie (5B), Jimmy Ryan (5M) and Daniel Sadimenko (5M) who have been selected to represent Met North at the upcoming Queensland School Sport State Swimming Championships.


Congratulations to Theo Katter (5G), Nathan Wright (5B), Beau Ballinger (5G) and Campbell Chapman (5G) who have been selected to represent North West District Rugby League at the upcoming Met North Regional Trial.


Term 1 AIC Sport







Term 2 AIC Sport


Rugby Union



Easter Rugby Camp

Sunday 14 April





Cross Country

Training – Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Venue: McMahon Oval (new starting venue for 2024)

Time: Training starts at 7:00am sharp. Students are to arrive at 6:45am and sign into the session with their student ID card.


Cross Country – Petfield Challenge

Date: Thursday, 21 March 2024. 

Time: 4:40pm


Location: Dorrington Park, 5 Mirrabooka Road, Ashgrove.

The start and finish line will be near the Northern Suburbs Hockey Club.


All boys wishing to be selected for AIC Cross Country Championships are encouraged to attend this meet to set a 2km time.


Boys will walk to this event, they will be supervised, and parents may collect their sons’ from Dorrington Park.



Marist Primary Swim Squad

Training sessions continue Monday and Wednesday afternoons for the remainder of Term 1, 3:20 – 4:20pm. These sessions are open to all boys; boys attending for fitness training and boys wishing to qualify for the AIC Swimming Team. There is no obligation to attend AIC meets on Friday evenings.


Boys attending these sessions will need to bring the following equipment.

  • Goggles
  • Kickboard
  • Short Flippers 
  • Mesh Bag

Year 5 and 6 MCA Swim Squad Training Timetable Term 1






3:20pm – 4:20pm


3:20pm – 4:20pm



For further details please contact:


Sports Photographs

We are always on the look-out for photos and action shots to be used for the Blue & Gold, other College publications, season or end-of-year wrap-ups etc. Please follow this link and add your photos. 

Marist College Ashgrove Primary Sports Photos


College App

Please ensure that you download the College App to your smart phone. This app will be used weekly to inform you of sporting fixtures, cancellations and bus arrival information.


Late Pick Up After Sports Training - “PLAN B”

It is important that both parent and student are aware of the pick-up procedure if afternoon sports training is cancelled or if parents are running late for pick-up. As soon as a decision is made to cancel a sporting fixture or training, a message is placed on the College app. If training is cancelled, boys can remain in the primary school or walk to an arranged pick-up point when the time arrives.


Afternoon sports training sessions are scheduled to finish by 4:45pm. We ask that boys are picked up at this time. Any boy who is still at their training venue at 5pm will be directed to the After Hours Boarding Reception area / College Health Centre so that he may be collected from there. After Hours Boarding Reception can be contacted on 07 3858 4619.


In the case of bus arrivals from external sporting venues, boys will be sent to After Hours Boarding Reception 15 minutes after the bus arrives back at the College. Parents are asked to collect their sons from this location.