Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr


We keep in our prayers all those who have died recently.  May they be welcomed into the peace of eternal rest, may God’s light shine on them, and may their loved ones be comforted by the light of the Holy Spirit.



Mass Times

Wednesday Morning - 8:00am




The sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr Tini is available in the College Chapel from 8:00-8:30am on Tuesday mornings. Catholics traditionally receive this sacrament (also known as penance or confession) during Lent as part of preparing to celebrate the Pascal mystery during Easter. Seeking God's forgiveness and healing, we commit to living in the light.

Gospel and Prayer

I tell you, most solemnly,

unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies,

it remains only a single grain;

but if it dies,

it yields a rich harvest.


(excerpt from John’s Gospel for the 5th Sunday in Lent)


Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is imaged in John’s Gospel as a grain of wheat which dies to new life. The seed is ‘let go’ for something transformative to occur. We know from our own life experience that to grow means to accept change, and that change often comes with loss, fear and discomfort. The stories from scripture told over Holy Week reminds us of the terrible cost of Jesus accepting the cross, and yet the mystery and power of the resurrection is our prevailing hope. 


Harmony Week this week, which we marked as a college during our assembly last week, gives us occasion to celebrate the diversity of the many cultures in our midst. For Australia as a nation, there has been an important ‘letting go’ of a narrow and historically racist idea of what it means to be Australian and who is welcome to call this land home. Celebrating cultural diversity and seeking harmony and mutual understanding is powerfully transformative for human relationships. This is a rich harvest which bears a resemblance to the peaceful kingdom which Jesus’ preached.


A Prayer for Living in Harmony and in Peace

Good and gracious God,

who loves and delights in all people,

we stand before you,

knowing that the spark of life within each person

is the spark of your divine life.

Differences among cultures and races are

multicoloured manifestations of your light.

May our hearts and minds be open to celebrate

similarities and differences among our sisters and brothers.

Please send your healing and reconciling Spirit in order to bind

the wounds created by racism and racial hatred,

and to promote understanding, justice, and love.

We place our hopes for racial harmony in our committed action

and in your living presence in our neighbour.

May all peoples live in peace!


Mary our good mother                         pray for us

St Marcellin Champagnat                    pray for us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop          pray for us

And may we always remember           to pray for one another

Amen. +

Birthing Kits

To support our International Women’s Day initiative to help women and babies experience safer, more hygienic births, our Marist families are invited to fund a Birthing Kit at a cost of $5. If you would like to contribute, please click HERE.


The kits will be assembled here at the college during Period 6 ASH lesson on Thursday 2nd May 2024. From here, they will be sent out across the world to make a difference in many women’s lives. 


To learn more about Birthing Kit Foundation Australia, please visit their website at www.bkfa.org.au.

Sony Foundation Camp, 14-17 September


Sony Foundation Camp is back at Marist for 2024!

Our Year 11 students have been emailed an expression of Interest Form for volunteer positions. Please note student applications close on 19 April 2024.


Keep an eye on the Mission News in the upcoming newsletters for more information and to find out how you can be involved.


Since we are in the planning phase for this year's camp, if you have any ideas or contributions to offer please contact us at sony@marash.qld.edu.au.

Palm Sunday

This coming weekend our Boarders will celebrate Palm Sunday Mass. Palm Sunday recalls Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to much joy and excitement and continues with the Passion story and the high drama of Jesus betrayal, arrest and crucifixion. 


With thanks to our Archives, we share two photos from 1991 of Marist boys who were part a Palm Sunday procession for a Channel 2 (ABC TV) program.


St Vincent de Paul and the Environment Group

Vinnies and the Environment Group meetings will continue this Thursday during break 1B in Room 801. All students are welcome.


Our last Vinnies BBQ for the Term will be held Thursday morning in the yard outside the CLE from 7:30am. Sausages are $3.00 and $3.50 with bacon.

Stationery Aid – Collecting Now! 

Our last Stationery Aid MATE ministry for the term will be run this Friday morning from 7.30am in Room 801.


Students are welcome to come along and help sort, clean and organise stationery. 


Donations are also gratefully accepted – refer to collection list for suitable items. Please use the blue bins provided outside the Mission Office.


For more information about Stationery Aid visit the website:  https://stationeryaid.org/ 



Students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in signing onto the Rosies outreach program for Term 2 are encouraged to register their interest. Students are provided with important training beforehand to ensure they are well informed about how to enter into this important ministry.


If you’re ready to be a ‘friend on the street’ by sharing a conversation with patrons of Rosies who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or socially isolated, please email mates@marash.qld.edu.au to sign up or visit the Mission Office.

Marist Youth Ministry Game Changers

The Mission team welcome students from Years 7-12 to join this supportive and leadership focused Marist youth ministry program. Please email mates@marash.qld.edu.au or visit the Mission Office if you are interested in this program or have any questions.