Learning and Teaching News

Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg


NAPLAN has begun! Last week our students in Years 5, 7 and 9 began their NAPLAN testing. They all completed writing on Wednesday and received a narrative stimulus that needed to incorporate a Window! It was great to see so many boys writing great stories and including paragraphs, correct punctuation and grammar as well as using a range of difficult and challenging words. The work that our staff have been continuously doing to ensure that the literacy skills of our students are improving is evident.


Our Year 5 and 9 students continued testing whilst our Year 7s will finish off their tests this week. 


It is important to remember that boys need to charge laptops each night and to bring all necessary equipment. This includes corded headphones as well as a pen or pencil. 

Term 1 Assessment 

The exam block starts this week for our students in Years 7-9. Our Year 10 and 12 students started last week.


Students in Years 5-10 will all remain at school throughout the assessment period. The only cohort who are granted study leave (to study at home and only come to campus for scheduled assessments) is Year 12. Any Year 12 student not up to date with all required assessment items will not be granted study leave and will be required to remain at school. This includes modules for Certificate and Diploma courses. 


Make-up exams will be scheduled for Monday 25 March and throughout Week Ten. A reminder that if students are absent for an exam, a medical certificate is to be submitted for all year levels. Year 11 and 12 medical certificates must list the specific illness and not just state “medical condition”. 

Year 7 Tutoring 

Please note there will be no Year 7 Tutoring for the remainder of the term. This will recommence next term. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Information was sent to parents on Monday 11 March. Please check your emails for booking details for these interviews.


These interviews form an important part of your son’s academic journey and will take place across two dates in Term 2. 

  • Monday 15 April (Student Free Day) and are held in person on-site
  • Wednesday 24 April which will be held online through Microsoft Teams.

Interview schedules for Year 7 to 12 teachers will fill quickly. Once a teacher’s schedule is full, their name will no longer appear in the list of teachers available. To allow for an even distribution of parent appointments, you may only book for a maximum of seven of your son’s subjects, and only one interview is allocated per teacher (eg. if your son has one teacher for two subjects, only one interview time will be permitted).


If you are unable to book an interview with a teacher or unable to attend on the interview dates, please contact that teacher via email. Your son’s teacher details can be found through Parent Lounge.


Students are encouraged to attend interviews. If so, they must be dressed in winter academic uniform.


The interview sessions for Monday 15 April – Champagnat Centre (in person) are:

  • Interview sessions: 11:00am–1:00pm, 1:40pm–3:30pm and 3:50pm–5:00pm
  • Interview length: 7-minute interviews for Years 7 to 12

The following teachers will be unavailable for interviews on Monday 15 April:

  • Mr Andrew Fogarty 
  • Ms Susan Nabbs 
  • Ms Melanie Stewart
  • Mr Peter Gaiter 
  • Mr Terry Quain
  • Ms Melanie Taylor
  • Mr Joshua Robson 
  • Mr Sebastian Ward
  • Mrs Sue Going
  • Ms Jen Smeed 
  • Mrs Yorker Williams
  • Mr David Hustwayte

Accessing Student Feedback

On Thursday 28 March, you will be able to access your son’s results and task-specific feedback for his subjects this term. To access these results please follow the directions outlined here. 


Quiet Study 

Each morning the Resource Centre (senior library) is open from 7:45am to 8:30am for quiet individual study. All boys are encouraged to use this space to get themselves organised and ready for the day. 

Year 12 Study Night 

The library will be available for Year 12 students on Wednesday nights from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Collaborative work is encouraged. All normal library and school rules apply. Free dress is permitted. Please sign in and out at the library front desk. This is a wonderful initiative from the senior academic leaders – please use this privilege accordingly.

Old Boys Maths Tutoring 

It is wonderful that we are able to continue to offer Maths tutoring every morning in Room 402 from 7:40am-8:30am. We have a wonderful group of Old Boys who return each morning to support our boys with their Maths. Any boy from Years 7-12 is welcome to attend.

Old Boys Tutoring List 

Please find here a list of Old Boys who are available to tutor your son outside of school hours. This list can also be located on the parent portal or via this link. Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to organise and liaise tutoring times with the Old Boys.

Study Tip