From the Acting Head of College

Mr Charles Brauer

Surrounded by Saints

From Sunday to today we've jumped from St Patrick to St Joseph. From the 'Apostle of Ireland' to 'The Humble Carpenter'. Most significantly we've jumped from one powerful story to another. Today's Feast Day of St Jospeh provides us the opportunity to consider the story of Jospeh - our faith's 'humble carpenter'.  We are invited into exploring the human truths within that we can apply in our every day, and apply to our Marist Family.


The story of St Joseph is one of quiet strength, gentleness and humility. Joseph found himself an unexpected father, steadfastly supporting Mary as a mother, gently caring for Jesus as a father and humbly going about his daily duties in support of his family. It's no coincidence that Joseph doesn’t utter a word in our scripture. It's no coincidence he is referenced to as a carpenter. Quiet. Gently strong.


The Feast of St Joseph reminds us that Joseph was a real person with real opportunities and problems like you and me.


We meet St Joseph as a Marist Family when we recognise the gifts and talents of others and ourselves, when we undertake difficult tasks without complaint, when we give to others without expecting anything in return.


We meet St Joseph as a Marist Family when we are respectful to all people, when we stand up against negativity, harassment or bullying. St Joseph teaches us that there is strength in gentleness.


We meet St Joseph as a Marist Family when we face up to challenges even though we may have doubt in our abilities.


The story of St Joseph is wonderfully relevant to a modern Marist education - a supportive, caring and gentle man, steadfastly accompanying, with love, a courageous woman. What a wonderful example upon which to model our education for our young men.

Keep it Going!

Study, assignments, exams, marking, feedback. These fundamental learning and teaching experiences are reaching a peak this week. It's vital we continue to work together and support one another during this energy demanding period. Priority is being given in the classroom to supporting our students to their best through targeted revision, specific feedback and an encouraging environment. Households are encouraged to continue to prioritise appropriate time and space to the completion of and preparation to these important summative assessment items. Once completed, teachers will continue on the next unit of work which will continue into next term. School attendance after the completion of subject assessment is vital in order for your son not to miss out on these learning experiences.

Congratulations and Thank You

Well done, congratulations and thank you to all our students, parents, staff Old Boys and friends who participated in and supported our Term 1 AIC Sport programs. Cocurricular participation is a vital aspect of a full and whole education which cannot proceed with our individual and communal commitment. We again have seen record levels of participation, affirming the willingness of our students to pursue a passion and interest.


Whilst we celebrate this record involvement, we also congratulate those teams which excelled. A special congratulations to our premiers - 1st XVIII AFL, 2nd VI Volleyball, 8B Cricket and our six undefeated cricket teams - 3rd XI, 10C, 7C, 6B, 6C and 5B. Overall, our Term 1 Sport program resulted in global AIC aggregate improvement, attaining a place higher in all three Term 1 sports compared to last year.


We look forward to continued strong and dedicated participation in AIC Sports for Term 2, which has already commenced with training and trials.

Mission Possible!

The authentic expression of our Mission is beautifully expressed through our participation in the annual Sony Camp. An invitation to Year 11 families was issued last Thursday to participate in this important program which will see the College welcome up to 20 children with a disability from ages 11-18 during the September holidays.


Sony Camp offers young people with disability a highly supportive opportunity for social interaction and fun activities over three full days. Our Marist Family is proud to be the first school to have held a Sony Camp in Queensland. We have a long, proud tradition of our Marist men stepping up to help out and make a difference in the lives of children with disability and their families. As part of our MATES Mission of service and solidarity, we aim to ensure Sony Camps continue long into the future.


Expressions of interest and questions regarding Sony Camp can be raised to our Mission team via

On the Road

"It's 'Gundy' sir, not 'Goondiwindi' - I must remember to sometimes relax! In any case, our Boarding team were wonderfully hosted by the community of Gundy when we visited and supported the Charity Golf Day. Our sincere thanks are extended to the people of Gundy for their continued trust placed in us with educating their young men in our Boarding community.


Our Boarding team will visit Central Queensland next month at the annual Beef Week in Rockhampton. We look forward to sharing this hugely popular regional occasion with current and prospective boarding families.


As we contend with an array of tasks during these important weeks, may the story of St Joseph inspire us all and to provide us with a great example of love and humility.


St Joseph, you followed the path of humility, the path of strength

and gentleness, the path of faith and courage, a path of love.


We pray that as a Marist Family we may follow your example

in growing to be more Christ like in all that we say and do.


May our loving God with Mary our good mother and St Marcellin Champagnat walk with all members of the Marist College Ashgrove Family.

Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Year 5 Parents Function
Year 5 Parents Function
Year 5 Parents Function
1st XVIII AFL - Premiers
1st XVIII AFL - Premiers
1st XVIII AFL - Premiers
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Around the College - Week 8
Year 5 Parents Function
Year 5 Parents Function
Year 5 Parents Function
1st XVIII AFL - Premiers
1st XVIII AFL - Premiers
1st XVIII AFL - Premiers
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Cricket
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball
Round 7 - Volleyball


Upcoming Events

Tuesday 19 March

  • Year 7,8,9,10 and 12 Exam Block - continues
  • NAPLAN - continues
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • House Meetings Years 5-12

Wednesday 20 March

  • Year 6 Blue Parliament House Visit
  • Mass in Chapel
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre

Thursday 21 March

  • National Close The Gap Day 2024
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • Environment Group Meeting - 1B  - Room 801

Friday 22 March

  • Year 5 Gold Rush Excursion 5 Blue, 5 Gold, 5 Maroon and 5 Red
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Year 12 Sport and Rec – Keperra Golf Club

Saturday 23 March

  • Football and Rugby Union Internal Trial Day
  • Rosalie Tribute Day

Sunday 24 March

  • Marist Mother Retreat Day
  • Boarding School Touch Football
  • Marist Basketball Carnival
  • Boarders’ Mass (Chapel)

Monday 25 March

  • Year 6 Gold and Year 6 Red Parliament House Visit
  • Make up Exams
  • Brain Bee Challenge
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • Primary Morning Assembly
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre

Tuesday 26 March

  • Year 6 Violet and Year 6 White Parliament House Visit
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • House Meetings Years 5-12
  • FareShare Charity Kitchen Visit

Wednesday 27 March

  • Year 5 Musical
  • Mass in Chapel
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • College Assembly
  • MCA Musical Rehearsal – Draney Theatre
  • Year 5 Musical: Session 1 – 5 Blue, 5 Gold, 5 Maroon, 5 Red - 5:45pm
  • Year 5 Musical: Session 2 – 5 Silver, 5 Violet, 5 White - 6:30pm

Thursday 28 March

  • Year 5 Gold Rush Excursion 5 Sliver, 5 Violet, 5 White
  • Study Hall – Senior Library
  • Primary Morning Study – Primary Library
  • End of Term 1

Friday 29 March

  • Good Friday

Saturday 30 March

  • Easter Sunday

Sunday 31 March

  • Easter

Monday 15 April

  • Staff Day

Tuesday 16 April

  • Start of Term 2 - All Students (Winter Uniform)