Catholic Identity

St Joseph's Feast Day - Parish Get-Together

Fr Patrick has invited all families to attend a special Parish St Joseph’s Feast Day mass and get together this Sunday 17 March at 5:30pm. You are welcome to bring food to share after mass in the Church courtyard.

School Mass - Tuesday 19 March

The whole school community will celebrate The Feast of St Joseph by attending mass with Fr Patrick in the Church at 9:30 am next Tuesday 19 March. All are most welcome to attend this significant celebration!

Lent - Project Compassion

We are encouraged to put our compassion into action this Lent through prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. Each class received a Project compassion box during Ash Wednesday Liturgies/Masses last week and students are encouraged to give generously to help others in need. 

10cent Containers  for Project Compassion - UPDATE

What a great week we have had! We are now sitting at just over 300 10c containers collected,  bringing our total to just over $30.00 in 2 weeks. 

Keep collecting and bringing them to school to drop in your house coloured bin. 

Our school goal is to raise $80.00. 


Its is a tight race between all the houses. 

Keep donating!!! 

Thank you 

Grace M - Yr 4

Kindergarten Church Visit

Last week Kindergarten visited the Church as part of their Religious Education unit of work titled- Welcome. They identified and located key symbols in the Church. In this ‘Year of Prayer’ Kindergarten have been learning to make the Sign of the Cross with reverence - learning that God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

2024 Sacramental Dates

2024 Yr 6 Confirmation and Yr 3 First Holy Communion Parent Sacramental Prayer Evening will be held in the Church with Fr Patrick on Wednesday 22 May at 6pm. This Prayer Evening is  for the parents of students who are making the sacraments this year in the Bulli Parish (not students).


2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for Confirmation are:

  • Term 2 Week 8 Tuesday 18 June and Wednesday 19 June at 7pm.

Enrolment forms will be available in the coming weeks.



2024 St Joseph's Bulli Sacramental dates for First Holy Communion are:

  • Term 3 Week 7  - Sunday 8 September at 8:30am and 5:30pm
  • Term 3 Week 9  - Sunday 22 September at 8:30am and 5:30pm

Online booking and enrolment forms will be available at the parent prayer evening.


Year 2 First Reconciliation (Term 4) will be communicated once finalised with Fr Patrick.