Principal's Page

Dear Parents and Carers

Annual Improvement Plan Update

Goal: Students will achieve continual growth in Mathematics as a result of shared curriculum expectations and collaborative processes ensuring alignment of curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment.

  • Teacher professional learning focussed on establishing a Professional Learning Community as a model in which teachers regularly work in teams to ensure all students learn and are committed to a culture of collaboration with a relentless determination for results. Our teachers will begin working within Stage based Professional Learning Teams on our Staff Development Day on Tuesday 2 April.
  • Professional learning was provided for our Instructional Coaches and Curriculum Advisors to develop knowledge and understandings of the Revised NSW 3-6 Mathematics Syllabus which will be shared with Years 3-6 teachers in the coming weeks

Recent Staff Professional Learning

Research tells us that the quality of the teacher is the greatest in-school influence on student achievement. Therefore high quality professional learning for teachers must be a priority to ensure improved teacher practice that leads to improved student learning growth. Professional learning undertaken by our staff over the past fortnight includes:


5 March 2024 - Collaborative Planning - half days

Miss Wragge, Mrs Fursey, Mrs Matthews, Mrs Smith, Miss O’Donoghue, Mrs Haritos, Mr Aguilera, Mrs Duffin


11 March 2024 - Formation Day with Fr Timothy Radcliffe

Mrs Duffin and Mrs Smith


12 March 2024 - Revised NSW Mathematics Syllabus Curriculum Professional Learning

Mrs Grose, Mrs Walls, Mrs Fursey


14 March 2024 - Catholicity Stuff - Teaching Religious Education 

Miss Loumanis, Miss Negus, Miss Gemmill


15 March 2024 - Religious Education Coordinator Meeting

Mrs Smith




March Activities at St Joseph's

NAPLAN began yesterday for all Year 3 and Year 5 students. Over the next two weeks, students will sit tests in Writing, Reading, Spelling & Language Conventions and Numeracy. The day we receive from NAPLAN allows us to evaluate the impact of our Annual Improvement Plans and helps us to identify future areas of focus.


Welcome Kindergarten Parents

Last night, we hosted a social evening for our Kindergarten parents in the school hall. This was an opportunity for our staff to welcome and meet our Kindergarten parents as well as parents meeting each other. I would like to thank everyone who was able to attend last night. It was a great night!

Today, Year 6 began a two day camp at The Tops. The students will engage in activities that will allow them to develop skills in persistence, team work, and leadership. We wish them a safe and enjoyable experience. Thank you to Mrs Allan, Mr Matthews and Mrs Walls for supporting the students over these two days.


On Tuesday, 19 March we look forward to celebrating the Feast of St Joseph with a whole school Mass. In the Gospels, we do not hear Joseph speak, rather we learn about him through his actions and as such our Patron Saint is an excellent example of selflessness and compassion.


All families are warmly invited to join with our Parish on Sunday 17 March at 5.30pm to celebrate both St Patrick's Feast Day and St Joseph's Feast Day.


Last Tuesday we held our School Open Day for prospective families wishing to enrol their children into our school. We had a great number of both new and current families. Thank you to our Year 6 leaders who did an amazing job welcoming and sharing all of the wonderful things about our school. It is important that we maintain our enrolment numbers and I thank you for promoting enrolment at St Joseph's. Any reduction in student numbers impacts our school funding and staffing levels.  

Do you score a 10 out of 10 for Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pickup?

Arrival and dismissal are a high demand times for parking around the school. I appreciate the effort most parents make to respect others and the road rules at this time. Thank you, gold star! Thank you for caring for all of our students and give yourself a 10/10 by:

  • Not stopping or parking in the park across from the church
  • Not stopping or parking on the road outside the church
  • Not stopping in the bus zone
  • Not doing U-turns in dangerous places
  • Not parking in neighbours driveways
  • Not driving into the driveway near the basketball court/ church
  • Not crossing the road in the bus zones
  • Not driving through the church undercover paved area
  • Not parking in the Anglican Church car park on Park Road
  • Being patient.

We are a community that cares about everyone’s safety. Please join us all in caring. 


Thank you for your ongoing support, 


Kaylene Duffin

Principal, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School


Principal Awards

Our Principal awards are presented to students fortnightly on the even week.  


The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our assembly at 2.00pm on Friday 22 March (Term 1 Week 8). 

Benjamin A1st
Savannah B1st
Benjamin D1st
Ivy M1st
Aria H3rd
Harvey W3rd
Gabriel A3rd
Lani B5th
Noah H4th

How does my child receive a Principal's Award?

Class teachers nominate students for Blue Merit Awards which are presented at the weekly assembly.  When five Blue Merit Awards have been received, students send them to the school office to be recorded and are then eligible for a Principal’s Award. When students attain their 4th Principal Award, they are awarded a Principal’s Medallion at an assembly. End of Term awards can be included as part of the 5 awards.  Please see the "School Handbook" for a full list of eligible awards.

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past, present and emerging the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.