Student Wellbeing

'Be the reason someone smiles today!'




Seasons for Growth -  Learning to live with change and loss


Everyone is affected by change and loss at some time in our lives. At St James we recognise that when changes occur such as separation, divorce, death, school transitions and natural disasters young people may benefit from learning the skills to manage these changes effectively. 


We are therefore offering an education program called Seasons for Growth which will commence in Week 4, Term 3. This program is facilitated in small groups of up to 7 participants and is based on research which highlights the importance of social support and the need the practise new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. 


The program focuses on building skills such as how to manage feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and develops peer support networks. Participation in the program can promote improved self-esteem and self-confidence as well as giving young people the opportunity to find their own voice amid change. 


If you think your child/children would enjoy joining the Seasons for Growth program, we encourage you to talk to him/her about it. We are pleased to be able to offer this successful program and we are confident that it will be a valuable learning experience for those involved. If you require further information or would like to register your child, please contact


To our Semester One SRC, I thank you for your hard work and dedication to the students at St James. I value each of you for your insights and passion for making our school the best place it can possibly be! 


My sincere thanks go to Mya, Charlotte, William, Oliver, Xavier, Kaiden, Marcus, Talitha, Addie, Ethan, Izzy, and Charlie. 



Congratulations to the students from last week who were recognised as making responsible choices and actions at school. 


Week 9- Sophia, Jia, Kaia, Macy, Parker, Sophie, Kaiden

Week 10- Eli, Beorn, Lucy, Tommy, Harlea, Suvani, Audrey and Adam



Monica De Leo

Student Wellbeing Leader

Victorian Child Safety Standards

Here is the Catholic Education Council of Victoria's revised statement of commitment to Child Safety which we abide by: 

Support Services Available to all students and families

Parent Zone 

Parenting Programs

Parenting is the most important and challenging job in today’s rapidly changing world – but children and young people don’t come with a handbook. ParentZone supports parents, carers, and families to meet up, share and learn from each other. Anglicare Victoria understands the potential of families to shape lives. We help families to work together and create positive and long-lasting change for themselves and the community around them 

ParentZone Pods - Parenting Podcasts

In late 2021, ParentZone launched a series of parenting podcasts called ParentZone Pods on sibling rivalry, dealing with anxiety, family meetings, getting your children to listen, how to stop yelling at your kids, and how to respond to kids’ behaviour. Due to the success of these podcasts, Anglicare has decided to create another series in 2022. So, watch this space for more helpful topics to aid in your parenting! Check out all ParentZone Pods here.

Parent Resources

Click here for access to the Smiling Mind Website

Smiling Mind’s vision is to help every mind thrive. Their mission is to provide accessible life-long tools to support healthy minds.


Click here for access to the Student Wellbeing Hub Website

It includes sections for parents, teachers and students with practical strategies and resources to support your child's wellbeing.


Click here for Raising Children Network

Reliable, and up-to-date information to help your family grow and thrive together. 


Click here for access to Parenting Ideas Blog

It includes articles, testimonials and practical tips on a wide variety of topics.


Click here for Iparent - Office of eSafety Commissioner 

To learn about the digital environment and how to help your child have safe and enjoyable online experiences.


Click here for access to CatholicCare

It is a social service agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, they offer a range of programs and services that aim to build and strengthen relationships.


Click here for access to Beyond Blue

This website is regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. And you can stay up-to-date by joining our email community.


Positive Parenting Telephone Service 1800 880 660

Participants complete a workbook or online modules which are supported by weekly 30 minute phone calls with a trained parenting educator. All of this can be done from the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you.


Parentline 13 22 89

Parentline is available 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. It is a confidential and anonymous phone counselling service for parents and carers of children and teenagers in Victoria.


Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

The Kids Helpline is Australia's only free, private, and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Counselling is currently offered by phone, Webchat and email.