Spotlight on Learning

Auslan Term 2 Updates


Student Presentations

The final weeks of the Semester are always a favourite as we have the opportunity to enjoy the students' Auslan presentations across the school. From our youngest members of the school who have signed about their favourite colours, up to the senior students who have been signing children’s books to their peers, we feel proud of their progress! It’s a pleasure to see the growth, the increasing confidence and their ability to command a space without the use of their voice.


Auslan Resources & Deaf Author

It has been delightful to see our students enjoying the new Auslan resources, courtesy of the Language Grant. The Auslan Scrabble Letters, Auslan Dice, Auslan-English bi-lingual books and games have been a welcome addition to our classes. They have been unveiling a humorous level of competition too! Our Deaf author Kerrie Taylor will be visiting later this year, most likely early in Term 4, to sign her latest book to us. The timing of her visit will provide students with time to prepare signed vocabulary to interact with her and hopefully ask some direct questions.


Auslan Anthem

Students across the campus have been learning a different version of the Auslan Australian National Anthem, selected by our Language Leaders, Chloe and Lucy. There are currently several signed versions of the National Anthem in circulation and we are awaiting the Deaf Community to announce which will ultimately become the ‘official’ version. In the coming weeks, our Language Leaders will be leading our student body in signing the anthem version they have selected, in assemblies. Thank you to Chloe and Lucy for diligently learning and practising during their lunchtimes, ready to lead our school in the signing. If your child would like to practise signing the anthem at home, the icon of the Australian Flag over a hand on the SJV Student Landing Page will take them to the correct link.


Auslan Practise

If you would like some basic video clips to support your child with their Auslan studies at home, please feel free to access the Auslan icon (two hands in a purple square) on the SJV Student Landing Page. This is particularly helpful for students who commenced their journey at SJV in later years, for those that have been on extended holidays or those who benefit from more regular access.





Students of the week







Term 2, Weeks 9&10


Congratulations to our Students of the Week.

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