Principal's Post

Dear Families,
It's hard to believe that this is the final week of term, noting that our last day of school is Friday 28th June, finishing at 3:20pm as normal. Our whole school learning focus on sustainability and responsibility has resulted in some deep learning and changes in behaviours for not only the students within our St James community. I know staff and families have been positively affected by these dual foci.
Last week staff were involved in some lengthy and thorough planning sessions focussing on designing learning for your children for third term. Our whole school integrated focus is, 'Belonging' and our whole school value focus is, 'Empathy'.
Staffing Updates
This week we farewell Kayleigh Darsas (5S) and Lisa Salter (1S) as they commence their second period of parental leave. Lisa has been with us for eighteen months, and while Kayleigh has been a teacher at St James for over ten years. Kayleigh only returned from her first period of parental leave this year. James Sweatman will extend his four days per week in 5S to five days per week.
We welcome Charlotte Allan to our St James teaching team as of next term. Charlotte will teach 1S on a Thursday and Friday, while Anne will continue to teach 1S but change days to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Charlotte was in last week to attend the planning sessions and meet the lovely students in 1S. Lisa and Charlotte also commenced some hand over time where Charlotte enjoyed getting to know the students. Parents will have the opportunity to meet Charlotte in the first week back next term.
School Reports
Some parents will have received their child's report this afternoon, while others may come through this evening. Click onto the Digital Technologies page for instructions on how to access your child's report.
Unfortunately, the days absent for our Preps includes the 4 Wednesdays missed due to the gentle introduction into school life.
Teachers have been busy writing reports for your children and I had the pleasure of reading approximately half of them over the weekend. I am quite strict on the teachers in limiting their word count in the general comments, given the approximate two hours teachers spend on each child's report as it is. The general comment, together with the tick boxes and dots, provide a very accurate picture of your child's achievements and growth.
It's worth noting that all students have made growth over the past six months, however if students have not achieved all of the outcomes at the standard or 'not jumped all of the hurdles' set by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, we are unable to move their dot to show six months growth since the last report. Most students in this scenario have indeed grown by 4 or 5 months but not quite the full six months since the last report.
Australian Early Development Census - Preps Only
From May 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). The AEDC is a national data collection of early childhood development at the time children commence their first year of full-time school. This teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school. Please see further information relating to this in the attached document, noting that this is only relevant to our Prep parents.
Crossings and Lolly Pop Supervisors
Given the building works and disruptions to traffic flow out the front of the school at times, using the crossing to cross the road is an essential safety procedure. Chris, our lovely Centre Rd supervisor will be with us throughout next term as she continues her recovery via rehab rather than surgery at this stage.
P&F St James Major Fundraiser
We listed a few reflections of this wonderful event last week.
Apart from organising the brilliant social evening the, 'Dream Team' managed to help raise $4177 for our Parents and Friends fundraising for the year. Funds raised this year will contribute to the stained glass cross in the entry of our new administration building.
Thank you to all parents who supported the event by either purchasing tickets and attending, purchasing raffle tickets and donating prizes for the various raffles. Please take a moment to look at the P&F page for more fun photos of the event.
Catholic Secondary College Enrolments for Current Year Five Students
Students must be enrolled when in Year Five. Enrolments close on Friday 16 August.
St James is a direct feeder school to Emmaus College, Aquinas College, Our Lady of Sion College and Whitefriars College. This means that St James catholic students receive direct entry and St James non -catholic students receive greater consideration of entry into these Secondary Colleges.
First Aid
Enjoy a relaxing break over the holidays. I am heading off to Thailand in the second week to get frustrated on the golf courses. Looking forward to seeing you all in July.