Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

During our Getting Ready to Learn morning routine, the children have been focusing on the wellbeing strategy of 'Character' from the Berry Street Educational Model. This domain explores the values that motivate individuals while learning how a strengths approach can build children's self-awareness, self-worth and provide children and educators with powerful language for improvement. 

Our children have been learning to identify  the character strengths in themselves and in others. The children are learning to articulate their own values, finding personal meaning in those values and extending that meaning to include others. They have explored hope and gratitude, through goal-setting exercises and practices of gratitudeThe children are exploring ‘Character' through stories, short films, videos and people of particular strengths. 



August 12th to August 16th is Anti- Bully Week. The theme this year is ‘Everyone Belongs’ the children will explore during ‘Getting Ready to Learn’ different ways we can ALL belong. In school, belonging is like a superpower against bullying. It's what brings us together, makes us stronger, and helps us understand and support each other. When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness. Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued. On Wednesday 14th August we invite children to come dressed in a splash of  purple. This could be a ribbon, a jumper or a t- shirt, purple is now the hero colour that will represent Bullying No Way: National week of action. It represents peace, strength and empowerment, with bold tones signifying a firm stand against bullying behaviour.