Laura Jane's Message

Our St Gabriel's Primary School Acting Principal

Dear Families, 


Welcome back to Term 3! We hope that all the children are well rested after the chilly holidays.  We have many exciting events on the calendar this term and we look forward to sharing these experiences with your child/ren and your family.  

The children have settled back into school very well this week.  They have been engaged in a variety of fun and hands-on learning experiences each day.  


We warmly welcome Heather Bond and Rhani Goodyear to our team.  Heather is working in the 3/4 Hub as our third educator and Rhani joins the Prep team as a co educator.  


A reminder to all that next Tuesday 23 July, school will finish at 12.30pm.  This early finish creates time for an opportunity for all educators to participate in professional learning with  Sandhya Menon. Sandhya will deepen our understanding and knowledge of supporting neurodiverse learners, particularly ADHD and Autistic learners. Sandhya is an Educational & Developmental Psychologist and author of the books ‘The Brain Forest’ and ‘The Rainbow Brain.’ 


Earlier this week, you would have received a letter about the Melbourne Archdiocese School Improvement Surveys (MACSIS). Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source for guiding the ongoing work to improve our school. The MACSIS data collection timeframe is Monday 2 September – Friday 20 September 2024.  


We once again remind all parents and children about the importance of safety at drop off and pick up times.  Please ensure that you consider the safety of all by using the drop off and pick up areas as they are signed by the council.  If you are dropping off or picking up your child in Olive Street, the safest option is to pull over and park on the school side of the street so that your child does not have to cross the road during this very busy time.  


We have a group of children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion early August.  This is a very special time for each of those children and their families.  We keep them in our prayers as they prepare for this Sacrament.  


We wish all the children and families a very happy term full of learning and growth through many rich and strategically planned experiences this term.