Mrs Jillian Rainger

Mid Year Review

This week I have begun our mid-year review of our Annual Improvement Plan for 2024. We have four goals which are in bold text and the dot points underneath indicate the work that has been currently done to try and achieve the goal. Next week I will include in the newsletter the work we hope to do in Terms 3 and 4 to continue working towards achieving the goal.


As you can imagine working towards these goals takes the work of many people including our students, staff and families. I would particularly like to acknowledge the work of our Leadership team in turning these goals into actionable steps. 


To authentically live out our Catholic Principles and Values

  • To provide the responses for Mass and Liturgies on slides for student to use 
  •  Demonstrate expected gestures that are part of prayer celebrations and liturgies
  • Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be together to encourage recall
  • Provide students with a prayer card of the above prayers so they can learn them "off by heart"
  • Participate in Project Compassion
  • Celebration of Reconciliation Week and National Sorry Day 
  • To have Aboriginal students participate in Diocesan activities such as Warraymalaya, Wii Gaay and the practice for the ATSI state conference being held in Tamworth
  • Professional learning and renewal in the Living Well, Learning Well processes for staff

To provide future-focused and engaging learning to enhance outcomes for all students

  • To review the Lyn Sharratt 14 parameters and refresh leadership knowledge on the Clarity - Precision in Practice 
  • Evidence of Learning Intentions and Success Critieria in classrooms for students to refer to in answering the questions - What are you learning ? Why? How are going with it?
  • Introduction of staff to the Assessment Waterfall Chart
  • Introduction and implementation of the MAST Mathematics program to Year 3-6

To care for out students, staff and families so they can realise a hope-filled future

  • Mentoring and support of our Early Career Teachers
  • Professional Learning and Coaching of our leadership team
  • Raise awareness with our families about the importance of strong regular attendance and our procedures via newsletter and Compass
  • Monitor student attendance in order to work with families where attendance is limiting student outcomes
  • Invitations to families into the school for:

Prayer celebrations and Masses

Meet and greet

Family Conferences

Welcome BBQ

Easter Fair

Cross Country 

Mother's Day Breakfast

Catholic Schools Week Picnic

Jump Rope for Heart

Kinder Pioneer Village excursion

Year 1 Reading Helpers


To continue to build strong teams for sustainability and stewardship

  • Becoming more familiar with using Tech One Financial Management system
  • Encouraging families to move to BPay for school fees
  • Installation of new printers with access codes to avoid wasted printing
  • Continue bottle and paper recycling
  • In consultation with ACSO develop a business plan for looking at extending to Year 11and 12 including community surveys 


Enrolling for 2025

Last week we had our Open Day for enrolments for 2025. We gave out many enrolment forms for Kindergarten as well as some for other year groups.  We encourage people who have students ready to commence Kindergarten to return their enrolment forms before the end of this term. We will be starting our enrolment interviews in Week 1 Term 3 for those that have provided their forms and documentation. Our Year 10 leaders did a fantastic job of showing our perspective families around the school at the 10am tour. Please spread the word that we are enrolling now for 2025. 


Phone calls to the Front Office regarding end of day procedures

We receive many calls each day with change of plan details for students that are delivered to students. The office is an extremely busy place and whilst all efforts to listen to voice messages during the day are made sometimes it is difficult to do this. If you have a message regarding end of day arrangements please keep calling until you are able to speak to someone rather than leaving a message so we can make sure the message is delivered to your child.


Have a good week ahead! Contact me via email at 
