Upcoming Dates

This Week
Wednesday 12 June
5.30pm P and F Meeting in Primary Staffroom, Front Office
Thursday 13 June
Secondary Diocesan Rugby League & League Tag - Inverell
1E and Year 2 Eisteddfod
Friday 14 June
1E Liturgy
K-2 Cross Country
Virtual Chess Competition
Polding Touch Football Trials
Next Week
Year 6 RE Test
Nudgee Band performance
School Advisory Council meeting
Small Schools Rugby League
HTS Athletics Carnival
Consent Required via Compass
1E and Year 2 Eisteddfod
Secondary Online Chess Competition
Cochrane Cup - Secondary League and League Tag selected students
Small Schools Rugby League - Secondary selected players
Major excursions - Canberra, Lake Keepit, Tea Gardens and Sydney.
Friday 5 July (last day of this term)
Monday 22 July,
Friday 27 September
Monday 14 October.