Pastoral Care 

  • Term 3
  • Year 8 ski trip
  • GPs in Schools
  • Positive Language

Term 3 

I wish everyone a safe and relaxing break over the next three weeks. 


Could I please remind everyone that when we return on Tuesday 23 July the College expectations in regards to hair, uniform, blazers and behaviour will be enforced.

YEAR 8 ski trip

Just a reminder to the Year 8 Parents and careers to complete the permission form for the upcoming ski trip. Please see below for more details or contact Mr Kovacic 

Depart: Monday 29 July, meet at Chatswood at 7:00 am for a 7:30 am departure

Return: Friday 2 August, approx. 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm in Chatswood

Accommodation: The Adventist Alpine Village (AAV) in Jindabyne

Attending: Year 8 students and 12 staff members

Key activity: 3 days skiing at Perisher Blue Resort

Purpose: Build new connections, develop friendships, overcome adversity, build resilience, work in a team, learn or develop a skill, develop independence, and have fun

If you have not completed the Parent Permission Form, please do so as soon as possible using the following link: 

GPs in Schools

Meanwhile on Tuesday, our Year 10 students were fortunate to have privileged access to the Sydney North Health Network 'GPs in Schools' program when no less than 10 GPs and health professionals shared their wealth of knowledge and answered the small group (10 - 12 students) questions on contemporary health issues and access to health care and advice throughout their lives. This is an invaluable program which is highly valued by our students and community. I thank long term leader and advocate Mrs Jenni Curtis, and facilitator Izzy Barquin, who knows our students well, having attended OLGC and Mercy College, for enabling us to run this initiative again at St Pius X.


Year 10 had a great afternoon following the GPs program with their triple PDHPE period at Oxford Falls courtesy of PDHPE staff and our ground staff, Ron Noort and Trent Willoughby.

Positive Language


Positive language is a way of communicating that aims to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a friendly, optimistic, and helpful manner. It highlights what can be done, explores possibilities, and shows respect and hopefulness. 



a. Constructive Feedback: Providing feedback that focuses on solutions and improvements rather than just criticising what went wrong. 

b. Affirmative Statements: Using words and phrases that affirm and support rather than negate or diminish. 

c. Encouraging Words: Motivating and inspiring words that encourage others to take positive action. 

d. Politeness and Respect: Using courteous language that respects others' feelings and perspectives. 

e. Optimistic Outlook: Expressing a hopeful and positive outlook on situations and future outcomes. 



Enhances Communication: Positive language helps to create clear, effective, and empathic communication, making it easier for people to understand and respond constructively.

Builds Relationships: Using positive language fosters trust and rapport, helping to build stronger personal and professional relationships. 

Boosts Morale and Motivation: Positive language encourages and motivates individuals, leading to higher morale and a more positive work or social environment. 

Reduces Conflict: By focusing on solutions and respectful communication, positive language can reduce misunderstandings and conflicts.

Improves Mental Health: Both for the speaker and the listener, positive language can reduce stress, increase confidence, and promote a more positive mental state. 

Influences Behaviour: Positive language can influence behaviour positively by reinforcing good practices and encouraging desirable actions. 



Students: Teachers using positive language can create a supportive learning environment that encourages student participation and growth. 

Personal Relationships: Positive communication can strengthen bonds, resolve conflicts amicably, and create a more caring and supportive atmosphere.

Support for Parents: In interactions with parents of students, positive language can enhance satisfaction and trust by making parents feel valued and respected.

Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care

Year 7 SRC Representatives

In Semester 1, we provided the Year 7 cohort with the opportunity to adjust to their new phase in the College while also gaining a deeper understanding of our students who transitioned from junior to senior school.

As the final year group to establish their Student Representative Council, I am excited to see the initiatives they will undertake and the positive changes their voices and leadership will bring for the remainder of the year as they collaborate with each other, and their fellow SRC members from other year groups. 

From our first gathering yesterday, I was impressed by how these young gentlemen have shown themselves to be keen and insightful, eager to make a meaningful impact both within their year group and throughout our entire school community.


Representing Barron

  • Daniel Haddid - Barron A
  • Lachlan Yu - Barron B

 Representing Purton

  • Hunter Austin - Purton A
  • Rory Rapa - Purton B

 Representing Rice

  • Vinn Buckingham – Rice A
  • Charlie Wilcox – Rice B

 Representing Treacy

  • Jack Dunk – Treacy A
  • James Layton – Treacy B

Please join me in congratulating our new Year 7 SRC members!

Mr Dennis Lee - Purton House Patron