From the Acting Principal

  • Prayer
  • End of term / Term 3 commencement
  • Holiday Activities
  • 2024 EREA NSW Teaching and Learning Conference - Connected Community: Growing Excellence in Practice 
  • Visiting students from Hong Kong


As we conclude this term and head towards a well-earned rest let us take a moment to reflect on the first six months of the year and how much we have grown and changed during this time.

Let us cherish the memories we’ve made, appreciate the knowledge we’ve gained, and acknowledge the efforts of everyone who has supported us along the way. 


We thank you, Lord, for this term: our challenges, our successes, 

and the mistakes from which we have learnt.  

May we finish the term strong 

and help us to reflect on all that we have accomplished.


We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents 

and a community that cares for us.


Be with us during this holiday time as we rest 

and spend time with our family and friends. 

Keep us safe in all our activities.


Give us strength and courage to do what is right; to be witnesses of our faith.  

Help us to appreciate what others do for us and spend time and effort to help others.  

May we always be conscious of you in our lives.


May we return to school refreshed and rejuvenated 

and look forward to another term of learning.  

We entrust our hopes and dreams for the future into your loving hands, Lord, 

knowing that you are with us every step of the way.


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

End of term / Term 3 commencement

As we break for the school holiday, I wish everyone a restful and enjoyable time. May you return refreshed and ready for the new term. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr Ronchetti for a speedy recovery and time to rest and recouperate. 

A reminder that all students in Year 5-12 return on Tuesday 23 July for normal classes as Monday 22 July is a Staff Professional Learning Day (pupil-free day).

Have a wonderful holiday!

Holiday Activities

Thank you in advance to our all our staff who are coming in over the break to conduct HSC workshops and provide Major Works support as well as the many staff who will be critiquing draft HSC responses and answering questions. Safe travels to staff and students participating in the Red Dirt Immersion: Mr Sam Di Sano, Mr Daniel Petrie, Mr Phil Stollery, Mr Nick Westhoff, Mr  Anesh Naidoo and the 1st XV Queensland Rugby Tour: Mr Justin Gates, Mr James Maloney, Mr Martin Gillogly and Mr Matt Stearn.

2024 EREA NSW Teaching and Learning Conference - Connected Community: Growing Excellence in Practice 

As educators in an Edmund Rice school, our mission is to deliver high-quality teaching and learning through evidence-based pedagogical practices. We aim to foster continuous improvement and achieve outcomes that prepare our students to be ethical and informed citizens, ready to engage actively in all aspects of society. We are excited to attend the 2024 EREA NSW Teaching and Learning Conference on Monday 22 July.


This conference offers a diverse range of teaching and learning workshops, led by colleagues from EREA NSW schools, esteemed external presenters and Keynote Speaker Dr Ian Lillico, a renowned expert on Boys' Education. Our staff will have the chance to connect, collaborate, and create with peers, share promising practices and valuable resources, gain insights from experienced markers, engage with new syllabus documents, and tap into the collective wisdom of our network to improve learning outcomes for students and staff. 


I would like to extend my gratitude to the following St Pius X staff members who will be presenting workshops at the conference: Mr Pat Rodgers, Mr Sam Di Sano, Mr Matthew Makhoul, Mrs Samantha Iwatani, Mrs Jill Greenwood, Mr Matthew Buda, Ms Raelene Boyle, Mr Paul Ticli, Mrs Joanne Schuster, Mrs Annabelle Gunns, and Mr Neil Gibson. We appreciate the significant time and effort they have dedicated to preparing for this day and wish them all the best with their presentations.


I look forward to sharing our learnings from the day with the St Pius X community next term.

Visiting students from Hong Kong

from Mrs Kara Manga - Leader of Learning, Languages

The College has had a wonderful opportunity these past two days to host 15 young men from Ma Chan Duan Hey Memorial College in Hong Kong. The students, accompanied by their teachers Ms Leung, Ms, Lee and Mr Chan, were received with great excitement on Tuesday afternoon when they joined classrooms with our SPX students in Years 9, 11 and 12.

The Ma Chan Duan Hey Memorial College students attended a range of classes with their Pius student buddies, and have been most excited to have the opportunity to study and learn alongside their peers in a language and cultural immersion. On Wednesday, the students had English lessons prior to being immersed back into the classroom with our SPX teachers and students.

Ma Chan Duan Hey Memorial College will continue their tour, taking in the sites of Sydney and making their next stop at St Bishoy College. We wish them the best with their immersion tour and know that they will leave the college with many positive memories to share with their families when they return to Hong Kong.

I would like to thank the College Leadership for supporting the cultural exchange opportunity. Again, thank you to the students who volunteered to welcome the Ma Chan Duan Hey Memorial College students and act as buddies and mentors in the playground. Also, thank you to the support staff, who have assisted, to enable the experience to run smoothly. 

It has been a wonderful opportunity that we will look forward to again in the future.

Please see the photos of the intercultural exchange.

Thank you also to the buddies who were very excited to be involved in this cultural immersion:

Ryan Chung, Liam Boswell, Jordan Valenzuela, Daniel Staal, Luke Mortimer, Ethan Li, Cooper Elsby, Quinton Crispe, Stephen Walter, Matthew Sissons, Nikolai Dimantha, Lachlan Staber, Sam Cooper, Fergus Fung and Flynn Mansbridge.

Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Ms Elizabeth Watson - Acting Principal