Secondary News

Year 7 & 8 Mandarin

This year, Year 7 and 8 have been learning Mandarin during their Stage 4 Mandatory Language lessons.  This also includes a Cultural component.  During these lessons, students have been looking at, among other things, the history of chopsticks and learning how to use them!  Did you know that there are 4 varieties of chopsticks specific to 4 different countries?!  Students have also looked at the history of dumplings, the various varieties as well as how to fold a dumpling.  This culminated at the end of this term with students learning how to fold a dumpling while also using their chopsticks to try and pick them up!  We had many students who displayed a natural ability with both chopsticks and dumpling making, as well as many who showed great perseverance!

Belinda Bremner, Abbey Glover and Celine Depczynski


Year 8 Geography - Trading Game 

Year 8 have been learning about global interconnections during Term 2. 8(2) played a trading game in class where there were developing, emerging and developed economies that were given different resources. They were then able to trade with other countries for resources. They had to correctly make shapes to designated measurements for different values of money. Glue sticks were a rare resource, costing students the mots and circles were worth the most amount of money to make. They were then renting and trading between groups. This was a fun and engaging learning activity for students.



Bike Repair Class