Our Catholic Community

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday

On the first Sunday of July each year, the Catholic Church in Australia observes ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday’. On this day we gather as one to honour and celebrate the rich cultural heritage and contributions of our First Nations Peoples to our Catholic Church. 


The Gospel reading for 7th July, from Mark 6:1-6, tells the story of Jesus returning to His hometown, only to be met with scepticism and disbelief. Despite His teachings and miracles, those who knew Him best failed to recognise His divine wisdom and power. This passage resonates deeply with the experiences of First Australians, who have often found their voices unheard and their contributions not embraced.


By taking time to pray this Sunday and sharing this opportunity with our community, we hope to deepen understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. As Pope Francis reminds us, we are called to be a Church that goes forth, embracing all cultures and peoples. Let us open our hearts to the wisdom and spirituality of our First Nations Peoples, recognizing the presence of Christ in our stories and traditions. May the celebration of ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Sunday’ be a moment of grace, healing, and transformation for all of us.


Prayer for NAIDOC Week

Loving and gracious God, who created all people equal, we thank you for indigenous people who have given so much to our country and our culture. We pray that we listen to their voice as they speak of their desires, hopes and dreams for their lives and the life of this nation. May we all commit ourselves to seeking justice for all people and show a willingness to find positive solutions that include all. 

We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name.


Sacrament of Confirmation

Our Year 6 students have begun their preparation program for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This will be held on Sunday 11th August. If you would like your child to receive this sacrament and they are not enrolled, please contact the Parish Office on 67522886 as soon as possible. 


Year 5-10 Mass

Year 5 will host the first Year 5-10 Mass for Term 3 on Friday 26th July. Mass will begin at 9:10am in the church. Year 5 invite all parents and special guests to attend.