Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Community Members 


We have had much to celebrate over the last two weeks. The visit to our school by Oliver Davies was inspiring for our students. Oliver spoke to us about his journey from schoolboy cricketer to playing for Australia in a World Cup and the Sydney Thunder. 

He spoke honestly about the challenges and hard work needed to be successful. 

Oliver told us that at the 2019 U19 World cup he averaged just 4 runs for the tournament. He questioned his ability but challenged himself to become better. All these lessons can relate in some way to schooling. Our students need to accept that learning is not easy, it requires effort and a determination to succeed. These concepts we will pick up again in term 3.


NAIDOC Week has been a great week of celebrating culture. Our assembly on Monday introducing the theme of Black, Loud and Proud saw our student dancers perform in front of the school which they did with pride. The events of the week highlight the desire of our team to ensure we are a school that engages and develops our recognition of culture. 


The Athletics Carnival was also a great day where the whole school was able to join together in friendly competition. Congratulations to the Infants staff who organised events for the children which we hope to continue next year. Isabella McGrath should be commended for the organisation of the day. What was also pleasing was the participation rate of students, many of whom entered every event . Congratulations to those students who will represent us at the Diocesan Athletics carnival next term and to Savio House for winning the carnival.


There will be some staff changes next term that may impact on classes. In the secondary area, Mrs Shelly Humphries will be returning from Long Service Leave and Mr Chris Sim will be joining us for the term taking various classes. Ms McGrath will be on LSL for the first two weeks and Mr Richard Clark will be on LSL for the first 4 weeks. Chris, Shelly and Mrs Libby Smith will be taking these classes. Ms Grace Lynch will be joining us for two days a week as an EA in primary and Mrs Emma Payne will be joining the primary teaching staff for 3 days per week. Mrs Abbey Downes will be increasing her days to 4 days. Mrs Schweitzer and Mrs Clark have taken on the role of Leaders of Curriculum in Primary and Secondary and Mr Stuart King will be the Leader of Student Care in Secondary. Mrs Cathy Downes will be reducing her full time load to 4 days per week.


This may seem like a deal of change but what we have been able to do is replace EA’s and teaching staff who are on leave and also to employ extra staff to increase the adult density within the school to support students in their learning and well being. We intend to conduct more intervention groups to facilitate the literacy and numeracy needs for our young people.


Semester reports will be sent out this week. It is important that reports are discussed with children. There will be an opportunity to meet with teachers next term on Wednesday Weeks 1 and 2. You will be able to make bookings through Compass. These meetings are an opportunity to determine goals around learning for semester 2 and students should be present.


I have enjoyed the challenge of the first six months but also understand that there is much work to be done to make our school the best it can be. The staff are very positive and want to be part of the journey. We understand what we need to do and will work hard to achieve our goals for next term.


Kind Regards,

Simon Fleming
