School Information

School Staff

Principal – Brad Hunt 

Deputy Principal – Dan Williams

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction – Charmaine Endacott

Head of Administration and Organisation – Amy Hobbs

Head of Wellbeing – Dylan Smith

Head of Cultural Education - Jo Sherrin 

Head of Educational Pathways Program - Ginny Fenwicke

Junior School Wellbeing Coordinator – Christie Oxley

Middle School Wellbeing Coordinator – Sasha Riordan

Senior School Wellbeing Coordinator – Jason Auld

Learning and Support Teachers – Sandra Free, Maureen Locke

Teacher Librarian – Rebecca Tobler

Careers Advisor – Greg Wood

Head of Senior School – Greg Wood

Head of Middle School – Sam Brown

Head of Junior School – Thomas McLean


Junior School Staff

Kindergarten Rubies – Georgia Patterson

1 Sapphires – Lauren Cotter

2 Emeralds – Jo Sherrin

3 Pearls – Christie Oxley

4 Diamonds – Annabelle Green


Middle and Senior School Staff

Amy Hobbs - Mathematics

Carl Yeomans - Mathematics

Steph Looker – Science

Sam Brown – PDHPE       

Tony Dawson – Visual Arts

Craig Merrick – Technology 

Risa Matsui – Music       

Jason Auld – History/English

Bronwen Riley – Japanese

Sasha Riordan – English  

Jodie Taylor – Hospitality             

Louise Upjohn – Agriculture 

Katie Hunt & Natasha Gregory – Humanities 


School Administration and Support Staff

School Administration Manager – Karen Acton

School Administration Officers – Ashleigh Ayre, Karen Steward, Suzanne Garrahy, Barbara Holmes, Roni-Ann Kitchener, Allison Broadbent (EPP)

Aboriginal Education Officer – Dixie Skuthorpe

Student Support Officer – Michelle Koina

Farm and General Assistant – Steven Kliendienst

Canteen Manager – Larni Burr

School Learning Support Officers – Chelsea Cooper, Lorraine Walkinshaw, Emily Garrahy, Nora Beard, Kiah Mollar, Jane Grennan, Brooke Maynard, Rachael Griffiths, Juanita Burnes, Megan Rees, Robert Kelly

School Times

Lessons commence 9.00am - Middle and Senior School

Lessons commence 9.15am - Junior School

Recess 11.00am – 11.25am

Lunch 1.25pm – 2.15pm

Lessons finish 3.15pm

School Bus Information

Town School bus departs 3.25 pm - 3.30 pm - Edwards Coaches (02) 6772 3116

Kingstown bus 1 departs 3.25pm - 3.30pm - John Carlon 0427 293 685

Kingstown bus 2 connects with bus 1 - Brian Wisemantle 0458 789 159 

Kentucky bus departs 3.15pm - 3.20pm - Paul Byrne 0428 275 563

Bendemeer bus departs 3.15pm - 3.20pm - Doug Jackson 0408 478 215

Rocky River bus departs 3.15pm - 3.30pm - Oxley Explorer 

Malcolm McPherson 0427 692 265

Whole School Assembly

Our next whole school assembly will be held on Tuesday 6 August at 12.30pm in the school hall.  All are welcome to attend.