From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


As we come to the end of Term 2 I would like to congratulate our students on their efforts across the school. They have worked very hard this term, and the term has been long!

Our staff too have worked very hard all term and I would like to acknowledge them all for their efforts and commitment to our students and families. Thank you!


Teachers have also been very busy writing reports in preparation for the end of the term to share with parents/caregivers. The reports will be available via SEQTA towards the end of next week and we will notify you when they are uploaded. Please take the time to celebrate successes with your children and set goals for Semester 2 after reading the reports over the holidays together. Parents and caregivers are most welcome to make a meeting early next term with their child's classroom teacher to discuss the Mid Year report.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Congratulations to our Year 3 students and Parish children who had their First Reconciliation last week. A very personal Sacrament and one that was memorable for our students and their families.


Ignatius Liturgy

Thank you to all our students and staff in the Ignatius Faction for leading us in yesterday's liturgy. It is wonderful to learn more about our Patron Faction Saints and celebrate and acknowledge their life and mission.


We look forward to celebrating NAIDOC Week at St Helena's Catholic Primary School next week. We have a number of different activities planned throughout the week. All are welcome to our NAIDOC Week Liturgy on Tuesday 25 June @ 10:15am.

By Madison Ryder - Year 5 Bandicoots

Awesome Cross Country Efforts

Congratulations to all our Cross Country competitors on your efforts at last week's Cross Country. You were all amazing!

Well done to our Champion Faction - Xavier and all our individual champions.

Thanks again to all the staff and parent helpers and spectators on the day, and in particular to Mr Clarke for organising and coordinating the day. We now look forward to the Interschool Cross Country in Term 3 and training and preparing the team!

Cyber Safety - It's Everyone's Space...

It was great to see parents and caregivers at the Paul Litherland Cyber Safety session last week. We can not have emphasised enough the importance of our community attending such an informative session. For those that were not able to make it, I strongly suggest you have a look at some of the resources provided by Paul later in this eNewsletter and also in the email sent home today.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

Thanks again to all our families who have made food donations to this year's Vinnies Winter Appeal. It is so very important that we teach all our students the importance of charity and the genuine desire to help other people, and not just to get something in return. We want to always strive to do Something Beautiful for God.

Looking forward to next Friday 28 June too, when we come to school in our PJ's for a gold coin donation that goes to Vinnies.

Little Adventurers & Kindergarten Enrolments

We are excited to announce that we are proceeding with a second day of Little Adventures in Semester 2. We will now be running our 3 Year Old Program on a Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are interested in enrolling in our Little Adventurers program on a Tuesday, drop in to Administration and pick up an enrolment pack.


Families who have already expressed interest in attending the second will be contacted soon!


It is hoped all our siblings have enrolled for 2025 if going into Kindergarten next year. Enrolments are ongoing and places are filling!


Looking forward to the P&F Pyjama Disco Party on Friday evening. Don't forget to purchase your tickets online. Thanks in advance to the P&F Committee and all helpers for what promises to be another great event for our students.


When the school holidays come around at the end of next week, we wish everyone in our school community a safe and happy holiday break. Taking the time to rest, recharge and return after the holidays, ready for a busy and exciting Semester 2 at St Helena's Catholic Primary School.


At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community, 

always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.


Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono




Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.