Year 7, 9 & 11 Advisers Reports

Year 7 have had a very busy Term 2! From the beginning of term, there was a sense that they had all settled into high school, especially following on from Year 7 Camp at the end of Term 1. As I  write this article, most of their assessment tasks have been completed and school reports will be finalised and will be available at the end of Week 10. 


Many Year 7 students have received a Bronze Award, which generates when they have received 50 Sentral Awards from their teachers. There is also a significant number who have gained their Silver Award, indicating 100 positive entries. Silver Awards will be presented at our next Celebration Assembly during Week 10. 

A highlight of Term 2 was a presentation at our last Celebration Assembly by four Year 7 girls reporting to the whole student body about our Year 7 Camp. Eleanor Birt, Elizabeth Burrows-Allen, Georgina Phillips, Aurora Pierce along with Victoria Korotaeva, wrote and presented their speech in front of 700 students. Well done to those girls!

At the beginning of Term 3, on Thursday 25 July 2024, I am organising a Welfare Day for the whole of Year 7. A presenter from Life Choices Foundation is running a workshop called: Make Bullying History. Year 7 will also participate in team building activities and another session about their brain and coping mechanisms. A note has already been sent home about this event, and I look forward to educating and enhancing Year 7's wellbeing. 

Mrs Julia Kostalas

Year 7 Adviser


As we reach the end of Term 2, it's time to reflect on all the achievements and highlights that our Year 9's have achieved over the past few months. It has been an eventful and exciting term, with numerous opportunities for Year 9 students to shine both academically and in extracurricular activities.


One of the standout events of this term was the Athletics Carnival. It was fantastic to see so many Year 9 students participating with enthusiasm and determination.  A special congratulations to all those who made it through to Zone - your hard work and dedication have certainly paid off.


A very special mention goes to Daniel Gallo, who had an exceptional day at the carnival. Daniel not only participated but also excelled, breaking two longstanding records. His achievements are a testament to his hard work, talent, and determination. Well done, Daniel!


In addition to the athletic achievements, I'd like to extend a big congratulations to the Year 9 boys who graduated from the Top Blokes Program. This program covered a range of deep and important topics, and it was heartening to see our students approach these discussions with both maturity and curiosity. The growth and development shown by these young men throughout the program have been remarkable, and we are incredibly proud of their accomplishments. 


As we move into the second half of the year, I encourage all Year 9 students to continue striving for excellence in all areas. Thank you to all the students, parents, and staff for your continued support and commitment. Wishing everyone a restful and enjoyable break, and I look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for Term 3.

Miss Chantelle Sanki

Year 9 Adviser


Term 2 has come to an end, a big congratulations to Year 11 for finishing their second term of Stage 6. This term was filled with a range of assessments, excursions, sports events, and work placements. Each experience offered unique challenges and opportunities for growth, pushing students to expand their horizons and develop new skills. The assessments tested their knowledge and critical thinking, while the excursions provided hands-on learning that brought classroom concepts to life. Sports events fostered teamwork, resilience, and a sense of community, as everyone cheered each other on. Work placements, on the other hand, offered a glimpse into the professional world, helping students build their confidence and gain invaluable real-world experience.

Time is passing quickly and they now have only one term remaining before stepping into Year 12. The upcoming term holds significant importance for the year group, presenting more chances to get ready for the HSC, especially with the upcoming end-of-course examinations.


During the term, applications opened for the school leadership positions of School Captain, Vice Captains, and Prefects. This is a rigorous process which includes the following requirements:

  • Students must be in Year 11 and have been involved in leadership roles in the junior years, such as being on the SRC, House Captains, on a student action team, sporting teams, or in their part-time jobs.
  • Applicants must obtain a form from Miss Ellis or Mrs Hogan.
  • Eligible applicants will go through an interview process with Miss Ellis, Mrs Hogan and Mr Backhouse.
  • Chosen applicants will present a speech and then be elected.

We are very excited by the leadership potential already shown in the year group and can’t wait to start the process and elect our new leadership team for 2025!


The holidays are the perfect time to relax and recharge, but don't forget to keep an eye on your schoolwork, too! Take some time to hang out with friends and family, catch up on sleep, and enjoy your favorite hobbies. At the same time try to set aside a few hours here and there to stay on top of your assignments and study a bit. By balancing rest and work, you'll head back to school feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the new term. Enjoy your break and make the most of it!


"Believe you can and you're halfway there." – Theodore Roosevelt

Mrs Karen Hogan

Year 11 Adviser