Deputy Principal

Years 8, 10 & 12

Another busy Term is coming to an end and I would like to thanks the school community for all the combined efforts, that have come together to make such a wonderful Term. 

Report Time 

Reports for Stage 4 & 5 are now available. We would like to congratulate all students for their diligent efforts in Semester 1. 


We would also like to encourage all parents and caregivers to engage with the Parent Portal on Sentral; as all reports can be accessed through the portal, if you would like a hard copy of a reports will are available upon request through the front office.


If parents would like to speak to their child’s teachers about their reports and progress the Stage 4 & 5 Parent Teacher Night will be held on the Wednesday 31 July starting at 4.00pm. An invitation to make a booking is available from via the parent portal on Sentral. 


Any questions regard the reports at Henry Kendall High School, please contact the school directly. 

Minimum Standard - Update Year 10 2024 

REFORM 1: Establish a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy for the award of the HSC 

Henry Kendall High School Year 10 students will be sitting for their minimum standards examinations in Week 4 of Term 3. They will be completing their exams during Maths and English lessons, they will receive a timetable at the beginning of Term 3. The timetable will outline when and what exam they will be completing each day. 


The HSC minimum standard is set at Level 3 of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). Students can sit the numeracy, reading or writing test from Year 10 up until they reach the HSC minimum standard for that domain. The 3 domains are numeracy, reading and writing.


Students at Henry Kendall High School will be given another opportunity to demonstrate they have met the standard in Term 4. Students can print off copies of their Minimum Standards documents by accessing Students Online when completed.


For students accessing the platform for the first time they will need to activate their account now.

Uniform Reminder

As a result of the colder weather we have had increasing issues with students wearing inappropriate tracksuit pants, hoodies and undershirts.  From the beginning of Term 3 we will be running uniform detentions in Break 1 for all students who continue to not follow the uniform code for our school. Any student who fails to attend the detention will then be required to attend an After School Detention; notification of ASD will be via SMS, with date and time. For further clarification of any uniform issues and/or detention please ring the school. 

  • Hooded jumpers are not permitted at all, even under the school jumpers
  • Students can wear undershirts that are not visible under their school jumpers
  • Black tailored slacks for girls and boys– no jeans or leggings
  • Girls can wear thick tights; however, they must have their skirts over the tights at all times
  • Juniors must wear a school  jumper with the school crest or plain black jumper
  • Seniors must wear a black  jumper with the school crest or plain black jumper
  • On Tuesday for sport students can wear plain black tracksuit pants

We have a wonderful community reputation, which is reinforced constantly with our students displaying their school pride in the correct uniform. 


Some of our perfect students in their perfect uniform. 

Mrs Natalie Wearne

Deputy Principal

Years 8, 10 & 12