Level 6

Level  6 


During our Maths sessions, students have been actively engaged in learning how to develop and apply algorithms. They have enthusiastically participated in hands-on activities aimed at deepening their understanding of algorithmic processes and their practical applications. It has been lovely to watch students use a variety of approaches to create and refine algorithms, as well as to collaborate in testing each other's strategies to develop one that works best for them.



In our Writing sessions, we have been wrapping up our Persuasive Writing unit. Students have been keenly identifying a variety of persuasive techniques across different media forms, including written texts, political campaigns (both written and filmed), and movie previews. They have been able to apply these techniques effectively to their Inquiry project, "Creating a Political Party."



Students have thoroughly enjoyed our recent reading sessions focused on visual texts and narrative elements. Using skills such as comparing and contrasting, they have analysed characters and their challenges through short clips from well-known films. Looking ahead to week 11, students will engage in analysing a full-length film, examining protagonists, antagonists, heroes, villains, and various characters' internal and external conflicts.



In our Inquiry work, students continue to make progress on their project centered around creating a political party and addressing local issues in the Heathmont area. They have enthusiastically developed campaign materials such as brochures, persuasive texts, and how-to-vote cards to support their team's bid to win a Level 6 Election.


Key Dates

Week 10  

Friday 19th June: Winter Gala Day 2

Week 11

Friday 28th June: Last Day of Term 2