Level 3
Level 3
Welcome to the last newsletter item from Level 3 for Term 2!
During Week 8, 80 Level 3 students and 8 school staff attended Mt Evelyn Discovery Camp. We had super weather, yummy food and awesome activities. Here is what 3MW had to say:
What was the best thing about camp?
Hut building because I got to work with my friends. NY
The Flying Fox because it was like flying high! CB
Going home because I missed my mum and dad. KB
I had an amazing time at camp because I got to go on the giant swing. LY
Doing fun activities and trying new things I have not done before. RC
Hut building because you can be creative and build any sort of house. ER
Meeting new friends and the food, especially the pasta and sauce. ES
What did you think about the food?
Most of it was great. Afternoon tea was great. FS
It was amazing but it was not as good as Mums. HD
The food had this taste that just made it great and delicious. L J
Legendary, everything was awesome and really good. PS
My favourite food was dinner and dessert. I had spaghetti and chocolate mousse, yummy! JS
I didn’t like the food. TM.
What challenged you?
Staying away from my parents. TB
Going near the top of the giant swing. WR
Being in a cabin with others and doing the activities. WS
Climbing the ladder at the flying fox because it was so high, and I am scared of heights. EZ
Sleeping in the sleeping bag in the bunk because it was noisy. HW
Nature craft because I had to build something out of nature. IA
Low ropes was challenging but also fun. OW.
What are you most proud of at camp? That I didn’t want to go on the giant swing, but I did! CC
Conquering my fear of heights on the Flying Fox and the Giant Swing. KC
I’m proud of the way that I helped my team build a hut. LM
That I stayed at camp for the whole time. EW
I’m proud of making new friends. VM
Even though I was scared, I still went almost to the top of the giant swing. KW
Going to the very top of the giant swing! LH
Since being back at school, students were asked to write a persuasive piece to let Mrs Elliot know if camp should stay at Mt Evelyn or change for next year. We explored facts and opinions about our camp experience as well as beginning a whole week text study all about Mt Everest!
Numeracy has been all about consolidating our place value knowledge using lots of number games and challenges. Today we played “Place Value Knockout!” which everyone enjoyed. During the game I asked students to justify their choice of number and move using questions such as: Why did you choose to make that number? What are you hoping to roll? Why? How did you knock the other players counters off? Are there other numbers you could play?