Principal's Report

Michael Ramsey 

14th June 2024

Naplan 2024

We are anticipating NAPLAN results for years 3 and 5 this year will be available in the first week back of Term 3. Individual Students Reports will be sent home with students as well as information explaining the results. As NAPLAN is now conducted in Term 1, results are now available much earlier than in the past. 


At this time of year we see an increase in colds and illness around the school. A reminder to parents to PLEASE keep sick kids at home. No child will learn properly if they are unwell and there is a high chance they will spread their illness to other students and teachers. 

Prep Sibling Enrolments - Final Call 

Applications for Prep 2025 are now open. As per the Department of Education's placement policy, all siblings of students currently enrolled in the school are guaranteed a place BUT you still need to fill in an application form.


Information about enrolment and applications can be found on our school website. This year, applications are completed online (not paper).


We would appreciate all sibling applications to be submitted by the end of the term, so we have an idea of our prep numbers for next year. Thank you!

Term 2 Curriculum Days

Please be aware of another upcoming curriculum days in Term 2. Students are not required at school on this day. 


Friday 21st June - Planning Day for Term 3

Final Assembly of the Term

The last assembly of the term will be held on the final day of school, Friday 28th June at 2pm on the oval (weather permitting). At this assembly we will present the Student of the Term awards. Parents are always welcome to attend. 

End of Term 

Term 2 ends on Friday 28th June at 2:30pm. Please note the earlier finish time. 


Michael Ramsey
