Student Awards 

Student of the Week - Friday 7th June 2024

Prep BCShreya PFor making some great patterns in maths. You explained what you had done clearly. Great work Shreya!
Prep KWAalyan FFor trying so hard with your sounds. It is great to see that you are trying to blend these sounds together to make CVC words. Keep up the great effort Aalyan. 
Prep LLJacob TFor showing kindness and being helpful! It's so wonderful of you celebrating others' success and taking care of the new student. You are such a gem and we are so grateful for having you in PLL!   Well done Jacob!
Prep NALianna NFor your fantastic reading when doing small group and 1 to 1. You read so fluently Lianna and use keywords in your retells. You're a star!
1HQOwen IFor getting better at staying focused on learning tasks. You have been using your time wisely and independently when working in the class. Well done Owen!
1LPVarshith GFor settling in so well to Wheelers Hill Primary School! You have tried your best in all activities and always had a go even when things were hard. We are lucky to have you in 1LP, Varshith!
1SQBenji YCongratulations, Benji, for being such a caring and considerate member of 1SQ. It amazes me how thoughtful and compassionate you are towards others. You're a superstar.
1VBChloe CFor your excellent retell of a text you read. You gave a lot of detail, in the correct order. Amazing work Chloe!
2CLLiam AFor showing an excellent commitment to improving your handwriting. Your bookwork is already looking much neater. Keep it up Liam, you're a star!
2EBIsabella LFor consistently trying your best and showing an amazing attitude towards your work. You are an absolute delight to have in the class. Well done Isabella!
2SMClara HFor consistently demonstrating our school values. You are an excellent role model for our class. You're a superstar Clara!
2SPBhaavana GFor demonstrating your best effort to all classroom tasks. Keep up the amazing work, Bhaavana!
3DPWyatt DFor creating an excellent informative poster on animals. You have taken the time to make it visually appealing and included a variety of non-fiction text features. Well done Wyatt! 
3EBJared BFor creating an awesome informative poster on axolotls. You included lots of non-fiction text features and chose appealing colours. Amazing work, Jared!
3JNMia WFor working hard to complete your travel brochure research while your partner was away. Keep up the amazing work, super star!!
3LDJacob MFor your insightful and considered comprehension answers during reading. Keep sharing your ideas and extending yourself. Super effort, Jacob! 
4MGSenuth PFor being a caring and responsible member of 4MG. We can always count on you to do the right thing and help us out when needed. Thank you for being amazing Senuth!
4MGJake TFor the terrific effort you put into writing your narrative. You were determined to write an amazing piece. We can't wait to see the finished piece. Great work Jake!
4MPCedric F For working hard to catch up on learning you missed whilst on holidays. Impressive work ethic Cedric!
4MPDaniel GFor being a kind, considerate and helpful member of our class. We are lucky to have you in 4MP Daniel!
4OKKayden YFor making a fantastic start on your Inquiry project. You have found lots of interesting facts about your chosen country, Japan. I can't wait to see the final product. Well done Kayden!
4OKLin ZFor making a fantastic start on your Inquiry project. You have found lots of interesting facts about your chosen country, Japan. I can't wait to see the final product. Well done Lin!
4SMFiona LFor the fantastic effort in your narrative writing.   Your use of vocabulary to describe and your varied sentence structures are awesome! Well done Fiona!
4SMChristopher SFor a wonderful effort with your narrative writing. You include detail, interesting words and description which makes your writing interesting to read.  Keep it up Chris!
5ARAmelia DFor making terrific progress in your reading. Your comprehension and understanding of the text is amazing. What a superstar!
5BTPerry TFor making great progress in your reading aloud. Your fluency and expression has really improved Perry! Keep up the great work! 
5DCZade DFor presenting and excellent short talk, using a clear, expressive voice and emotive language. Amazing job Zade, keep it up!
5TLCheng FFor writing a perfectly structured introduction in her discussion text draft. Well done Cheng, keep up the great work.
6JSElaine CFor a great effort throughout the six Hip Hop lessons where you listened intently to the instructions and gave it your best when performing the dance moves. Well done Elaine!
6LVAlannah MFor showing responsibility for her learning by actively seeking assistance from her teachers to increase her knowledge and improve her skills in decimals. Well done Alannah!
6SCGodfrey LFor his great attitude to learning this term. It has been wonderful to see how you are constantly working to improve and get involved. Well done Godfrey!
6TJMatthew LFor being a helpful class member. I can always rely on you to help CRTs and all your classmates. Thanks for being so reliable Matty, you’re an important part of 6TJ.