
Aaron Cox


Professional Learning Tuesday June 11th - Thrive in a team culture


Whilst children enjoyed a 4-day long weekend, staff were consolidating their knowledge around Learning Intentions and Success Criteria. Staff completed various professional readings and developed a consistency for these when planning. Staff also reflected on the quality of their planning documentation after responding to one of our key goals for 2024 to improve documentation. This targeted professional development took place earlier this term. Leaders have also completed observations across all year levels to ensure planning matches delivery, which we can report is in fact happening. Another area for staff to reflect upon is how are we incorporating our numerous cultures at the school within the teaching and learning environment? There is much more work to do in this area and we would love parent feedback. Feel free to send me your thoughts at:


Mid-Year Review - Lead the way


We have now completed our mid-year review and we are excited about how we have managed to stay on track despite leadership being decimated in Term 1 and impacted again in Term 2. The improvements staff have made needs to be acknowledged and celebrated. Teachers are demonstrating daily that we are here for the students. Although only halfway through the year, our goal is to remain focused on our entire plan over the next 6 months. 


Term 3 Expo Day - Connected to community


All parents are invited to our Expo Day at the end of this term. It will be an afternoon where parents can move about the school and see the quality of learning taking place here at Kingswood. Please refer to your invitation as sent out via Compass. 


Enrolments - We are here for the students


Please ensure you complete enrolment forms for any children entering Prep in 2025. We would like to have all sibling enrolments prior to us offering places to those outside our school zone, to ensure we are not over enrolled. Please support the office by getting these in ASAP.