Sydenham Campus Principal Message

As we come to the end of our term, it is a great opportunity to reflect on all the wonderful teaching and learning that has occurred on the Sydenham campus.
We celebrated a great term at our Campus Assembly on June 11th. We were very pleased to have members of our neighbouring primary schools in our audience. Staff and students from Taylors Hill and Sydenham- Hillside Primary schools were treated to reports and performances from our students.
Mr Trent Cropley with ex Taylors Hills students.
Our performing arts students, fresh off the Mid Year Music Concert entertained us,
And our Community Liaison Officers formally introduced themselves to our students and staff in their community languages as well as in English.
Ayak Mawein (CLO supporting African students and families) and Berne-Lee (Nana) Edwards (CLO supporting Pasifika students)
Year 7 and 8 students have enjoyed a number of memorable opportunities including;
As a part of the Year 7 science adaptation and classification unit, Year 7 students were given the opportunity to head to Melbourne Zoo to put their learning into practice. When students first arrived, they started the day by viewing the attractions at the zoo, in class groups. Around midday they were given the chance to go through a lesson run by the zookeepers where students could observe and touch animal skulls and use them to make predictions about the animals they belong to. Then after a short lunch break students got into their assignment groups where they explored the zoo and tried to find an animal, they were going to observe for their research assignment. They were looking into the animals physical and behavioural traits, habitats and some fun facts, on the way they had freedom to explore the zoo and have a wonderful time. Thank you to Mr. Scanlin for organising this excursion for all our Year 7 students.
Year 8 students made an early start to their day at Lake Mountain on Thursday June 20th. Snow Day is a much-anticipated event and this year, it again proved to be a day for students and staff to enjoy some time with each other outdoors. Thank you to all the staff who attended.
Year 9 and 10 students have also been involved in events, some of which include planning for their 2025 studies.
Year 9 students participated in an Elevate and Educate session on Memory Mnemonics in preparation for exams that were held last week. Morrisby Testing was undertaken earlier in the term and follow up interviews on careers and pathways will take place next term. Proactive police presentation was well received, and K-team Challenge Day proved once again to be a highlight of our Year 9 engagement focus. Lily Sutton and Abbey Hamilton presented a summary of the K Team semester 1 Challenge Day, during the assembly. They highlighted the city experience and the physical challenges that students had participated in during this semester.
B-team students will participate in Challenge Day in semester 2.
Year 10 students have also been busy, they too had a session with the Proactive police and a Well Being day focussed on healthy choices for mind and body. Our Connect program continues to provide a dedicated time for a social and emotional well being focus and the Pat Cronin presentation was very well received. Our strong partnership with ABCN saw the Focus program on female leadership (3 sessions) with selected female students receive overwhelmingly positive feedback.
Alwyn Kalms and Minh Vu presented on their excursion to CHES – centre for high achievers that they attended with other Year 10 students selected as demonstrating the characteristics of high achievers. They encouraged future Year 10 students to consider attending as it gave them an insight into Pathways that they had not considered.
Our cross-College Pathways Team has been working with year 10 students again this term to provide opportunities for students to continue to explore the world of work and tertiary education. These have included, VET trade taster for selected students, the Brimbank careers expo – all year 10s, the Year 10 pathways Information night and AGA Try a Trade. Students and families are reminded that Pathways staff are available to discuss these and any other Pathways and Careers related inquiries.
Jenny Zahra
Rebecca Libreri
For our Year 10 students the end of semester also brings exams as a final piece of assessment.
Students undertake their exams under similar conditions as VCE and VCE-VM students on the Delahey campus.
Thank you to Mr Hasip and Mrs Martin for all of their work, support and care this semester. The students and staff on the Sydenham campus have benefitted greatly from their leadership.
Mr Hasip
7/8 Campus Leader
Mrs Martin
9/10 Campus Leader
Students from the Sydenham campus have also participated in a number of college wide events. We celebrated IDAHOBIT day, Cultural day (funds raised for UNICEF – children impacted by war), Student leaderships sessions and Student Leaders Success Integrated workshop (PL).
Thank you to all the staff members who have organised and supported these events.
Our campus Chess club continues to grow in interest and in the intensity of friendly competition. Thank you to Mr Love for his time in fostering this initiative.
Our local member, Natalie Hutchins visited the campus and volunteered her time at Breakfast Club.
The minister was very complimentary of the work and dedication of staff who have worked in the program over several years and thanked Mrs Desanka Talevski (co Ordinator) for her welcoming nature (and her toasties and wonderful hot chocolate).
The minister then took some time to tour the campus and meet some of our students. She was very impressed with those she met and the Hackathon Mural.
Natalie Hutchins with Bayne O’Meara, one of the Project Managers for the Mural unveiling ceremony, from the Hackathon Project.
Students from 9K4 (2023) and 10K4 (2024) presented their final piece of work from their Hackathon Project. In 2023, they ran several events with the theme ‘Say NO to Racism’ and this culminated in an amazing mural painted by local artist Lucas Kasper and the students.
Sasha Lay, Aliyah Alo and Rhianna Borg presented a summary of the year long journey at our campus assembly.
‘Unity through diversity’ will be an enduring legacy of the work that these students have completed. A huge thank you to Ms Van Orsouw and Ms Demiri for all their patience, enthusiasm, and encouragement.
The end of the term also brings farewells to staff who will be leaving Copperfield College. We thank Ms Jacqui Slattery, Ms Krystal Allison, Ms Lucy Grande, Ms Gwen Atchison, Ms Joanne Apted, Ms Rebecca Priest and Ms Bharti Singh for their work and dedication during their time at the College.
Thank you to all staff and students for another great term, and we wish everyone a restful term break.
Mr Andrew Atherton and Ms Mary Chiodo Campus Principals