Delahey Campus Principal Message

The end of Term 2 is fast approaching and the wintry weather has set in. This term has showcased so many exciting and dynamic projects and events at the Delahey campus. Thank you to all the efforts and amazing work by all staff and students. We are proud of the work undertaken by all. thank you to the Campus Leadership and Student Management Teams who are always willing to step in and support when needed
Pathways Information Family Night and Year 10 Delahey Experience
Thank you to the Pathways Team; Bella Moore, Jenny Zahra, Rebecca Librieri, Kirsten Haack led by Deep Kumar, along with Chantelle Polacsek Head Start coordinator and James Inabinet Vocational Major Leader who commenced the Transition Program of Year 10 students to Delahey, with the Parent Information Family Night, held May 23rd 2024.
The team explored with families and students the pathway opportunities and resources the college has available. Student experience was eloquently narrated by Ali Kacmazer (2Y4) reflecting on his senior journey and supported by Christine Jennings Paparoa (2Y1) who chatted to individual families and students in undertaking a VCE Vocational Major pathway
Thank you to all who supported the event, and to the families who attended.
The Year 10 students took part in a Delahey Experience Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th June. Thank you to the Campus Leaders Bobby Todorovski and Mara Aleardi (Delahey), Karen Martin (Sydenham) and Heath Simpson (Kings Park)) for this collaborative work. Students from both junior campuses attend Delahey for periods 1 & 2 where they will be given an induction to Delahey and taken on a tour of the campus. Thank you also to the Senior Student Leadership Team for their involvement and peer support.
Assessment, Redemption, Exams and Reports
This time of the year we observe our students to be placed under some stress as they undertake a range of assessment tasks and our teachers to be working endlessly with providing feedback and results. Along with the Student Assessment Coursework, students of Year 11 and 12 undertook Mid-Year and Practice Exams.
Vocational Major students worked diligently during redemption period to fill any gaps of learning. Thank you to the VM teaching and non-teaching staff for their tireless work this semester supporting successes in our VM classrooms.
On June 18th, Year 12 VCE/VM students and Year 11 students studying a unit 3&4 subject sat the General Achievement Test. (GAT)
A commendation to the students for their exemplary behaviour and attitude.
Thank you to Marianne Gualtieri (Leading Teacher - Curriculum) who with the support of Delahey Campus Leaders (Mara Aleardi and Bobby Todorovski), facilitated a GAT Information Session. Thank you to Connect Teachers who administered practice GAT exams and to Sue Hatton (English Teacher and VCAA Examiner) who marked written responses and provided students with feedback. Students commented that they benefitted immensely from this process and prepared for the official GAT.
We congratulate all our students because ‘’courage starts with showing up and letting {oneself} be seen” Brene Brown. Despite the rigour of assessment, we are proud of all efforts made by everyone.
Personal Development Skills
Senior Vocational Major students planned, organised and held a High Tea event to acknowledge and celebrate the work of the volunteers from Sunshine Hospital.
This year’s theme A Disney High Tea. The volunteers were extremely impressed, the feedback received tremendous and the organisation of the event. Exemplary. We are proud of the student’s work, their leadership and advocacy for the college.
Thank you to Lorenne Clarke and all staff who supported this event.
Fit to Drive
Our Year 11 students were involved in a Road safety education program run by members from Fit to Drive, Members from, Victoria Police and Fire Rescue Victoria conducted a range of workshops.
ABCN- Find Your Purpose
Year 11 and 12 Student Leaders took part in Find Your Purpose program, facilitated by ABCN.
The group had the opportunity to explore career ambitions and work closely with assigned mentors. Their discussions included understanding what steps to take to explore their career ideas and the importance of researching their career options before making decisions.
These discussions empowered students to understand that ‘’Choosing a career isn’t always linear and there are so many pathways and changes you can make to fulfil your dream” Some students highlighted that “building a career and successful life goes beyond just study and school it’s about experiencing other things and knowing oneself
The ABCN mentors encouraged students to take courage and “broaden their horizons”
A great program would not be possible without the support of School Champions like Ms Aleardi and the opportunities provided by ABCN and their Mentors
RMIT Experience
On Tuesday, 11th June 142 year 12 students attended RMIT City Campus
The year 12 students spent a day exploring and learning.
All facilitators and program leaders commented on the exceptional behaviour, positivity, collaboration and cooperation of our students. This makes us extremely proud for they are wonderful ambassadors in all settings.
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea
The Biggest Morning Tea is a community event that raises vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer. We are grateful to Sandra Di Mieri and Tracey Savic, for hosting an exquisite Morning Tea at the Delahey Campus. Thank you to the generosity of staff across the college. We know that every cuppa is making a life-changing difference to those affected by cancer.
Celebration Assembly
Wednesday June 26th, the Delahey Campus hosted the end of term assembly. A time to reflect on semester 1, celebrate all achievements, showcase the musical talents and congratulate recipients of RRR awards.
These events could not take place without the incredibly collaborative work of the Student Leadership Team, SRC Leader, Student Management Team, Music Department and of course the Educational Support staff who work tirelessly to set up chairs and equipment.
Music Concert at the Bowery Theatre.
Music night was another standout event, where our talented students performed and demonstrated their musical prowess. Congratulations to our amazing students from across the College on a wonderful performance to a sold-out audience!
Outstanding performances by Isabella Portelli, Emma Hackney, Brillian Kuung, Jennifer Nguyen, Malaysia Ah Fua, Fogaa Loli, Venice Uysal, Nathan Peacock, Keira Acevedo-Hickey, Caitlyn Vasquez and Jordan Lo
A big thank you to all the dedicated staff and students who worked tirelessly to put on such a quality night of entertainment, and to our supportive families and friends for attending show. It was an unforgettable night showcasing magnificent young talent.
Regional Victorian World Skills " VET's Automotive competition.
Every two years, more than 500 Regional Competitions are held in 34 regions across Australia. They test the skills and knowledge of 4000+ apprentices, trainees and students, who have the chance to win gold, silver and bronze medals and go on to compete at a national level. 2025 is the next National Competition year.
Congratulations to Santo Serrano (1Y5) who competed well and to Lyon Hensman (1P1)who achieved gold. Lyon will represent Victoria at the National competition in 2025.
Uniform Reminder
A gentle reminder to all students and families, hooded jumpers are not permitted to be worn on school grounds, even if a note is provided by a parent/carer. We also remind students that long sleeve tops are not to be worn under polos. We encourage students to where the long sleeve Copperfield polo and a Copperfield Jumper or Jacket to stay warm. Copperfield College puffa jackets are also now available for sale at PSW.
It is expected that if a student is out-of-uniform that a signed note explaining the reason for this is provided by a parent/carer. The student must see a Campus Principal or Student Management Team member before 9am to obtain a Uniform Pass.
If families require assistance in this matter, we ask that you contact the college and we will endeavour to assist you.
The College Uniform Policy can be located on the Copperfield College website;
A kind reminder to students and families of the safety and road rules for the use of an e-scooter in Victoria. We ask that you refer to the Victoria Police Website for full information: We note specifically that in order to legally ride an e-scooter in Victoria, a person must:
- be at least 16 years old
- wear a helmet,
- ride only on roads with a speed limit of 60km/h or less and on bike or shared paths (and not ride on a footpath)
- not travel more than 20km/h
- not ride a high-speed e-scooter capable of more than 25km/h
- not use a mobile phone
- not carry a passenger (dinking).
We ask that students using an e-scooter adhere to all safety and road rules (
We farewell Stephanie Van Beers at the end of Term 2 who is going on family leave. Stephanie has worked at the college as a member of the Learning Specialist Team and has taught VCE/VM English and Literacy classes in the last few years and 9 and10 classes when she commenced her work at the Sydenham campus. We thank Stephanie for her guidance, sharing of knowledge and helping in building the capacity of staff and students. Many blessings, health and tremendous happiness.
Wishing all a restful and safe winter break.
Mr Dan Sullivan and Ms Soula Dedes Campus Principals