Mandala Project

Pilot Intergenerational Program 

The Mandala Project is incredibly excited to be delivering a Pilot Intergenerational Program being held from Tues 27 – Friday 30 August. The program is restricted to 8 x Year 9 & 10 students and 8 x Young at Heart (60+) participants.  

The 4 day retreat will have the group working together to overcome challenges, sharing stories, knowledge, and skills and working out how on earth we communicate with each other now and into the future.

The program is for our ‘Young at Heart’ who work with, host, would like to spend more time getting to know the younger generation or might just have grandkids they don’t see too often. There are some physical activities involved, so a reasonable level of fitness is required.

While for the younger age group, it is for those open to learning and sharing with the older generation, or who might not have a grandparent, are up for a challenge, or just want to hang out with some old timers!


Let's bridge the gap and see what magic we can create. For further information, visit our website: 


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