Good News: Inside & Outside the Classroom

Inside the Classroom
Year 11 student Swaye Frankland was one of a few students who organised a financial literacy class for fellow peers, with information presented to year 11's by Upper Murray Family Care (UMFC).
The presentation highlighted just how important financial literacy is and how much there is to teach our young people. For example, most kids will have a part time job, and probably don't pay tax because they earn below the tax threshold, but didn't know they had to still do a tax return, or even how to do that.
From this presentation the Year 11 team will start to implement short information sessions in Homeroom to get kids ready for responsible 'adulting'.
Helpful Websites:
Money Smart
One of our teaching staff members recently had their pet lamb visit the school and students welcomed the fun, small-sized addition to their classes. She was booked into the Art space to be a live model and also attended an English class where the students wrote a descriptive paragraph about the lamb, using their sense of touch and discussed the lamb’s mannerisms toward the students. Students were thrilled to have the opportunity to bottle feed the lamb and later submitted ideas for a name for their new classmate. And so came to be ‘Minnie the Lamb’.
Outside the Classroom
If you haven't had a chance to grab a copy of the Chronicle over the past couple of weeks, here are a couple of articles you may have missed: