Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,
With the College continuing to grow and the announcement earlier this term about the Head of Secondary role, the Senior Leadership Team has spent some time to consult with relevant staff about the structure which will best support student learning and wellbeing for 2025. We have also incorporated feedback provided through the MMG Survey which was completed by parents and students. This information has collectively provided the opportunity to consider and reflect upon the academic and pastoral leadership structures from Pre-Prep to Year 12.
Please find below a summary of the new and changed pastoral roles (refer to Figure 1 below) and academic roles (refer to Figure 2 below), along with a structural diagram about how these roles relate. In some instances, there have been additional staff added to support our growing enrolments, and in other instances, roles have been reimagined.
Our conversations during the consultation process and the MMG survey data have also highlighted some areas for improvement around communication, which we look forward to addressing through this refreshed leadership structure. These improvements will be shared as part of the 2025 Welcome Back newsletter in January. This new structure will support the seamless partnership between home and the College and ensure that Clayfield continues to be a place to learn, belong and experience where everybody knows your name.
Structure Supporting Student Learning and Wellbeing
I am delighted to share the following staff appointments:
- Acting Dean of Secondary – Mr Adrian Walker
- Dean of Curriculum – Mrs Kim Eagle
- Head of e-Learning – Mr Jacques Stemmet
- Head of STEM – Mr Brett Steeples
- Head of English Humanities and EALD – Ms Emily Rossow
- Assistant Head of Boarding – Ms Tina Mills
As part of these structural changes, the Head of Academic Performance and Pathways and Head of Secondary positions will no longer continue. Ms Jo Knight and Ms Sian Graham have made the decision to step down from their Heads of Year positions but will remain in academic roles next year. Consequently, staffing appointments for the Heads of Year, the Year 3 to 6 Coordinator, and the Dean of Wellbeing and Safeguarding are still being finalised. Looking ahead to 2025, we are excited to introduce a new Associate Chaplain position to support Rev Paul Yarrow in his role. Details of these appointments, along with further updates, will be shared in our 2025 Welcome Back newsletter in January.
Next week we will bid farewell to Mrs Paula Hart, Ms Stefanie Palmer, Nurse Fiona James, Ms Katie Harris and Mrs Katrina Ash. We thank them for their contribution to the College and wish them every success in their future endeavours.
I trust you will enjoy the final week of term! I look forward to seeing the community come together for our Christmas Carols Service on Tuesday evening, and to welcoming Primary School parents at the Primary Presentation Day Assembly on Thursday.
Warm regards,
Dr Andrew Cousins