Grade 1 and 2

Wow - we have come to the end of another wonderful year! We as a team are so proud of our students and all that they have learnt and accomplished this year. We have conquered fears, embraced new experiences and solved many challenges along the way. We have had a very wonderful end to the term with lots of exciting events. We had our performance of African Drumming, an Art show, Grade 2 Camp Day and a fantastic 'Fun Day In' to end the year.
Celebration of the Arts
On the 28th November the Grade 1and 2 students participated in an amazing drum and art exhibition showing their creative skills. Parents were invited and eagerly joined in with the students' fun, and the overall impact was joy, laughter and great music. A huge thank you to Tim and Mrs Salisbury for all of the work you have done with the students throughout the whole year. What a wonderful way to celebrate the learning!
Grade Two camp
Grade Twos ventured out on the 10th December to Mount Evelyn Discovery Camp. There was a wide range of camp activities in which the students participated including: hut building, low ropes course, a wildlife experience and a giant swing. Students were able to face their fears, build their resilience, and celebrate others' successes.
Walking through the school, past the oak tree, you will see Grade 1 and 2 collaborative artwork that is the culmination of the CBL Term 3 big idea - respect. Children were challenged to find a way to share the many ways that we can show respect in our daily lives. A big thank you to some of our Grade 1 and 2 Dads from WM Building Company who donated materials and labour to make the children's creative thinking come to life. Thank you Matheson and Waddell families for your contribution. I am sure that you will love the way your child's creativity will live on at WPPS for many years to come.
Fun Day In
To celebrate the end of the year, the whole school participated in a wonderful Fun Day In. Students danced, waved, and enjoyed a special meal together. The silent disco was a highlight for many, with multiple channels allowing active engagement for all, in an inclusive environment and this resulted in fun for all.
The Grade One and Two staff would like to thank you for enabling us to teach your children. We all have made some very special memories this year and we wish you all the very best for next year. Have a happy and safe Christmas!